Costa Chica of Guerrero

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The Costa Chica (Spanish: "small coast") is one of the seven regions into which the southern Mexican state of Guerrero is divided.

It begins to the east of Acapulco and extends along the coast for 180 km as far as the border with Oaxaca, where the Costa Chica of Oaxaca begins. Similar to other parts of the southern Mexico, the Costa Chica is a rich and closely interwoven cultural mosaic, made up of various ethnic groups: the coastal Mixtec people, the sizable Afro-Mexican population, the Amuzgos, and the Chatinos.

The musical style known as chilena – with obvious Peruvian and Chilean influences – originated in the Costa Chica region.

[edit] Municipalities of the Costa Chica

Guerrero's portion of the Costa Chica region comprises 15 municipalities:

[edit] See also
