
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en This user is a native speaker of English.
This user is male.
14 This Wikipedian is 14 years, 5 months, and 4 days old
on June 11, 2008.
This user identifies as straight.
This user does not smoke.
Firefox This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
fan-3 This user loves Akon.
This user plays the Xbox 360.
your/ you’re This user thinks that if your grammar is incorrect, then you’re in need of help.
This user is from the Commonwealth of Virginia.
This user is a Capricornian.
This user eats at Pizza Hut.
This user is drug-free.
@ This user can be reached by email at
This user likes all types of music.
This user enjoys electronic music.
This user plays Gears of War.

This user is right-handed.
This user does not appreciate tobacco smoke.

Corsmos (born January 7, 1994) is an American student born in Suffolk, Virginia where he was also raised. Although he has never lived anywhere else besides Virginia, he would like to in the future. He joined Wikipedia on November 30, 2005.


[edit] Interests

Corsmos' interests including, but not limited to: music, video games, computers, food, wrestleing, blogging, writing and movies. He also enjoys working on wikipedia.

[edit] Favorites

[edit] Music

[edit] Movies

[edit] Television

[edit] Sports

[edit] Video Games

[edit] Systems I Own

[edit] Jaynan

Jaynan, sometimes mis-spelled Jaynine and often elongated with numerous additional letters, is a Xbox Live phenomenon named for a character created by Gears of War player Philip Merciez in Microsoft Game Studio's popular Third Person Shooter. The character has become popular thanks to a video of the game that circulated around YouTube. The video opens with Team SGR clan members discussing an impending raid, complete with regimented battle plan and statistical breakdown of their survival. After the Preview Battle, Jaynan starts his sniper/toque bow montage video. With over 100 kills with the torque bow, and over 50 with the sniper, Jaynan has been given th name "King of the Torque Bow." The phenomenon has since spread well beyond the boundaries of the GOW community into other Xbox 360 games and media. On February 27, 2007 Jaynan's gaming career started. Winning almost every game at Gridlock he founded the Gridlock Championship Games, or GCG for short. In this tournament players from all over the world compete at Jaynan's favorite map in 19 rounds. The person with the highest score after each game, would move on. In the end the winner would win an autographed controller by Godzilla2000, the fifth best player in GOW, and a chancer at becoming a prfessional gamer. This tournament usually only consits of Jaynan's closest friends. This Xbox Live phenomenon started with the release of a video clip online to the Team SGR forums. The video was released by the Team SGR online clan on the GameReview website. Jaynan was given a substantial boost in notoriety by his neighbor's best friend, Godzilla2000 the 5th best player in Gears of War. Dillon, Godzilla2000, started to train Jaynan, and soon enough Jaynan became the 87th best playing on Gears of War.

[edit] My Online Clan

Team SGR is one of the many clans of Gears of War. With 12 professional gamers recruited, it is one of the greatest on Xbox Live. Team SGR is a member of the GameBattles comunity and has entered the Spring 07 Season. Currently at rank 4 out of 3000, they will certanly win the season.

[edit] History

The clan was founded on May 2, 2007 by Jaynan and IMBaDBadMan. Originally it was two different clans, Team Elixer and xXshallowxgravexreapersXx. Jaynan did start off in xXshallowxgravexreapersXx, or SGR. Soon after quiting SGR, he made his own clan, Team Elixer. When Jaynan and IMBaDBadMan knew that both of there clans ahd much potential, they allianced there clans making Team SGR.

  • Go to clan events
  • Become a pro gamer
  • Get autographed gear
  • Get from $10,000 to $50,000
  • Meet famous gamers such as Godzilla2000, Leeroy Jenkins, and more
  • And be able to play with the best of the best
  • And more

[edit] Famous Clan Members

These people are or were the highest ranking people in the clan. The people that are still in the clan are Kryptic92 through Jaynan.

  • Jaynan (87th Best in GoW)
  • Godzilla2000 (5th Best in GoW)
  • IMBaDBadMan (not ranked)
  • SP3CIAL KAY (not ranked)
  • Football89 (not ranekd)
  • Tarheelssss189 (not ranked)
  • SilentsniperzX (47th Best in GoW)
  • Quigz789 (57th Best in GoW)
  • Saxyplaya (not ranked)
  • Io Nic3Guy oI (not ranked)
  • Calilos (13th Best in GoW)
  • and many more.

[edit] My Tournament

The Gridlock Championship Games was founded and run by Gears of War player Jaynan. The GCG, for short, consists of usually 100 people and 6 per game. The person with the most points at the end of the game would move on to the next round. At the end of the tournament, the winner would win an invitation into Team SGR, if not already in it, and a controller autographed by Godzilla2000, the fifth best player in GOW.

[edit] GCG Rules

  • There are 6 people to a match.
  • Each game will consist of 19 rounds.
  • If you glitch you get kicked out.
  • You can only leave the tournament during breaks.
  • Breaks will only occur at the end of each round.
  • If you leave the tournament at any time other than breaks you will not be allowed back in.
  • Breaks will last for 30 minutes each.
  • The host cannot kick any one out of the tournament unless they have glitched.
  • If you aren't going to have fun, then get off.

[edit] GCG Regulaions

  • You must have a gamerscore over 5500.
  • You must have beaten over 5 games.
  • You must send a message to the tournaments Host saying why you should be in the tournament, no voice messages. Text only.
  • You must be 15 or older.
  • You must be a Pro or an Underground gamer.
  • You must be able to spend at least 2 weeks on Xbox Live without stopping.
  • You must know how to play.

[edit] Prizes

  • Autographed Controller by either Jaynan or Godzilla2000
  • Autographed harddrive by either Kryptic92 or Forcivhab
  • Team SGR invite
  • Team Corpsent invite
  • Team Apocalypse invite
  • Limited Edition game of you choice for the Xbox 360

[edit] External Links