Corporate pathos

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Corporate pathos is a public relations term used to define the employment of emotional engagement techniques to help shape and alter attitudes and behaviours [1] [2].

The term covers an argument that the need to employ emotional arguments alongside rational explanations is an essential tool for organisations wishing to convince audiences of their given position [3].

Corporate Pathos is one method showing how the PR industry is attempting to refresh and adapt in the new media age.

It is argued that the corporate pathos technique is particularly useful to businesses facing a crisis. It is suggested that controversies over the Cadbury's salmonella scare [4] could have been handled much better if both organisations had adopted a more empathetic tone followed by complementary action.

In its wide definition pathos is understood to refer to the use of an emotional appeal.

[edit] References

  1. ^ [1] Journal of Communication Management
  2. ^ [2] CIPR news
  3. ^ [3] 'Corporate pathos': new approaches to quell hostile publics
  4. ^ BBC - Cadbury salmonella scare probed