Cornelio Musso

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Cornelio Musso (or Cornelius) (born at Piacenza, 1511; died 1574) was an Italian Friar Minor Conventual, and Bishop of Bitonto, prominent at the Council of Trent. He was, perhaps, the most renowned orator of his day, styled the "Italian Demosthenes". Returning to ancient patristic models, he raised the homily to a high form of perfection.

He was among the first three bishops present at the Council of Trent, where he delivered the inaugural oration, distinguishing himself especially at the debates on justification. In 1560 he was sent as papal legate to Emperor Ferdinand.

He wrote: "De divina historia libri tres" (Venice, 1585; 1587); "Comment. in epist. ad Romanos" (Venice, 1588); "De operibus sex dierum" (Venice, 1598). His "Conciones evangeliorum" and "Sermones" (ed. by Jos. Musso, Venice, 1580) were translated into Latin by Michael of Isselt (Cologne, 1594).

Musso was buried in the Church of the Twelve Apostles, Rome.

[edit] References

  • Gaudentius, Beiträge z. Kirchengesch. d. 16. und 17. Jahrh. (Bozen, 1880), 48 sqq.
  • Manuale dei Minori Conventuali, 324 sq.
  • Pallavicino, Istoria de concilio di Trento (Rome, 1883), passim
  • Keppler in Theologische Quartalschrift (Tübingen, 1892), 98
  • Hugo von Hurter, Nomenclator Lit., III (3rd ed.), 84 sqq.

[edit] External link

This article incorporates text from the public-domain Catholic Encyclopedia of 1913.