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Cordon may refer to:

  • Cordon Berlin is an fashion company based in Berlin
  • Cordón Industrial (plural Cordones Industriales) is an organ of popular power, direct or workers democracy. Many of these organs of popular power were formed in Chile during the Popular Unity government between 1970-1973.
  • A cordon is the descriptive term for a particular style of pruning woody plants. Single plants can be pruned to have single or multiple cordons in a number of styles. Plants which are commonly pruned in this manner include grapes, peaches, and other stone fruits.
  • A cordon is also a line of people, military posts, or ships surrounding an area to close or guard it.
    • In cricket, fielders can form what is termed the "slips cordon".
  • It is also a cord or braid used as a fastening or ornament.
  • Cordon Bleu is also a ribbon worn diagonally across the breast as a badge of honor or decoration. In French it is also a mock title given to an expert cook (un cordon-bleu) and a recipe for veal steak (escalope cordon-bleu).
  • Cordon is a commune of the Haute-Savoie département in France
  • Cordon, Isabela, a municipality in the Philippines
  • Cordon a village on the Isle of Arran
  • In ceramic technology a cordon is a strip of clay added around the outside of a pot for decoration or to help with handling.