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Used to be called d'Argent until I took offence to Editor-Idiot user:pak21 and his "Delete Everything and Anything" policy, and got banned for informing him of his most obnoxious qualities. Pak's probably one of those guys who don't want Webcomics, even well known ones, to have pages on Wikipedia, too.
By the way, Editor-Idiots are people like Pak21 who see something they don't feel fits within the guidelines of Wikipedia and sets them up for deletion. They make no attempt at fixing the problem themselves, even if they know how to solve the problem (And they do since most of the time they state what the problem is but some invisible force stops them from fixing the problem themselves, which I can only guess is their own idiocy) and only wish to cause problems for everybody else.
I'm currently working on the Blood and Thunder (comics) and Forge of War pages, therefore this account is not a "vandalism only" account.