Coolamon College

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Coolamon College is a national agency of the Uniting Church in Australia and a distance education provider of theological education.

The National Office is based in South Australia, part of the campus of the Adelaide College of Divinity at Brooklyn Park, South Australia. Coolamon was previously based in Brisbane, Queensland and offered Brisbane College of Theology and Sydney College of Divinity courses.

Coolamon College is a member of the Australia New Zealand Association of Theological Schools (A.N.Z.A.T.S.) [1].

A coolamon is an Australian Aboriginal vessel, carved from wood, or made from bark, used by Australian Aboriginal people for carrying food, drink, and firecoals, as well as a cradle for babies.

There are three streams [2] from entry-level group work through to Postgraduate degrees, for Awards offered by the Adelaide College of Divinity and Flinders University.

  • The Discover Stream
  • The Explore Stream involves education within the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Sector. Topics involve about 70 hours work, and form part of the nationally recognised Certificate IV in Ministry award of the Adelaide College of Divinity (ACD). A Diploma in Ministry Studies is a further option. Accredited Lay Preachers can fulfil all of their study requirements through this Stream.
  • The Deepen Stream involves higher education studies - Bachelor of Ministry (BMin) and Master of Ministry (MMin) focus on ministry training from the Adelaide College of Divinity and several Flinders University Awards: Bachelor of Theology (BTh), Graduate Certificate (GradCertTheolStud), Graduate Diploma in Theological Studies (GradDipTheolStud), and Master of Theological Studies (MTheolStud).

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