Portal:Constructed languages

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An artificial or constructed language (known colloquially as a conlang among aficionados), is a language whose phonology, grammar and vocabulary are specifically devised by an individual or small group, rather than having naturally evolved as part of a culture as with natural languages. Some are designed for use in human communication (usually to function as international auxiliary languages), but others are created for use in fiction, linguistic experimentation, secrecy (codes), or for the experience of doing so (artistic languages, language games). These languages are sometimes associated with constructed worlds.

The synonym planned language is sometimes used when referring to international auxiliary languages, and by those who may object to the more common term "artificial". Some speakers of Esperanto avoid the term "artificial language" because they feel that it portrays the language as "unnatural". However, outside the Esperanto community the term language planning refers to prescriptive measures taken regarding a natural language. In this regard, even "natural languages" may be submitted to a certain amount of artificiality, and in the case of regularized grammars, the line is difficult to draw.


Language of the month (June)

Logo of the Volapük movement (2nd phase)

Volapük (pronounced [volaˈpyk], or IPA: /ˈvɒləpʊk/ in English) is a constructed language, created in 1879-1880 by Johann Martin Schleyer, a Roman Catholic priest in Baden, Germany. Schleyer felt that God had told him in a dream to create an international language. Volapük conventions took place in 1884 (Friedrichshafen), 1887 (Munich), and 1889 (Paris). The first two conventions used German, and the last conference used only Volapük. In 1889, there were an estimated 283 clubs, 25 periodicals in or about Volapük, and 316 textbooks in 25 languages. Today there are an estimated 20-30 Volapük speakers in the world. Volapük was largely displaced in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by simpler and more easily-learned languages, such as Esperanto and Latino Sine Flexione. Find out more...


Did you know...

...that the Marquis Louis de Beaufront, one of the creators of Ido, was not really a marquis?
...that two different constructed languages have claimed the name Interlingua, and one the name Interlingue?
...that Gottfried Leibniz was not only a famous scientist, but also the creator of a language named Characteristica universalis?


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Constructed language types

A priori language, Artificial script, Artistic language, Constructed language, Controlled language, Engineered language, International auxiliary language, Language game, Logical language, Musical language, Oligosynthetic language, Pivot language, Relexification, Universal language, Whistled language

General language types

Agglutinative language, Analytic language, Inflectional language, Fusional language, Isolating language, Polysynthetic language, Synthetic language

See also: List of constructed languages

International auxiliary languages
Esperanto flag

Languages: Adjuvilo, Afrihili, Babm, Basic English, Communicationssprache, Dutton Speedwords, Esata, Esperanto, Esperanto II, Eurolengo, Europanto, Fasile, Folkspraak, Globish, Glosa, Idiom Neutral, Ido, Interglossa, Interlingua, Latino sine flexione, Lingua Franca Nova, Lingua sistemfrater, Mondial, Mondlango, Mundolinco, Neo, Novial, Occidental, Poliespo, Románico, Romanova, Semitish, Solresol, Sona, Spokil, Toki Pona, Universalglot, Volapük

Creators: Louis de Beaufront, Louis Couturat, René Descartes, Reginald J. G. Dutton, Alexander Gode, Otto Jespersen, Arie de Jong, Léopold Leau, Diego Marani, Charles Kay Ogden, Giuseppe Peano, Waldemar Rosenberger, Johann Martin Schleyer, Kenneth Searight, François Sudre, Edgar de Wahl, Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof

See also: Arcaicam Esperantom, Centre de documentation et d'étude sur la langue internationale, Esperantido, Esperanto and Ido compared, Esperanto and Interlingua compared, Germanic IAL, IALA, Proto-Esperanto, Reformed Esperanto

Logical, philosophical, and engineered languages

Languages: An Essay towards a Real Character and a Philosophical Language, aUI, Blissymbol, Ceqli, Characteristica universalis, CycL, Gibson Code, Ithkuil, Kalaba-X, Láadan, Lincos, Loglan, Lojban, Loom, Ro, Vorlin

Creators: James Cooke Brown, George Dalgarno, Hans Freudenthal, Gottfried Leibniz, Francis Lodwick, Kenneth L. Pike, John Wilkins

Artistic and fictional languages
Quenya, written in Tengwar

Languages: Adûnaic, Aklo, Al Bhed, Alltongue, Ascian, Atlantean, Aulëan, Babel-17, Balaibalan, Baronh, Black Speech, Bluddian, Brithenig, Chakobsa, Cirquish, Darkovan, D'ni, Doriathrin, Drac, Enchanta, Enochian, Galach, Gargish, Gippog, Glide, Gnommish, Goa'uld, Hardic, Huttese, Interlac, Iotic, Kēlen, Khuzdul, Klingon, Klingonaase, Koalang, Ku, The Languages of Pao, Lapine, The Lexicon of Comicana, Lingua Ignota, Linguacode, Loxian, Mandalorian, Mangani, Marain, Mezangelle, Nadsat, Newspeak, Old Tongue, Or'zet, Pravic, Ptydepe, Quenya, Rihannsu, Sarus, Shyriiwook, Simlish, Sindarin, Speedtalk, Sperethiel, Starckdeutsch, Stark, Starsza Mowa, Strine, Talossan, Telerin, Teonaht, The Speech, Tho Fan, Tsolyáni, Unas, Utopian, Vendergood, Verdurian, Wenedyk, Zaum

Scripts: Aurebesh, Cirth, Tengwar

Creators: Richard Adams, Anthony Burgess, Sally Caves, Samuel Delany, Diane Duane, Suzette Haden Elgin, Václav Havel, Frank Herbert, Hergé, Ursula K. LeGuin, Barry B. Longyear, Herman Miller, Morioka Hiroyuki, George Orwell, Marc Okrand, Mark Rosenfelder, David Salo, J. R. R. Tolkien, Christian Vander, Xul Solar, Marion Zimmer Bradley

See also: Alien language, Codex Seraphinianus, Elvish languages, False writing system, Languages in Star Wars, Languages of Arda, Languages of Middle-earth, North Slavic languages

Constructed languages for special uses

Languages: Boontling, Damin, Gestuno, High Icelandic, Iazychie, Nuwaubic, Polari, Signuno, Tadoma, Yerkish

See also: Voynich manuscript

Constructed writing systems for natural languages

Writing systems: Cherokee syllabary, Cree syllabics, Deseret alphabet, Hangul, Landsmål, Nynorsk, Shavian alphabet

Creators: Ivar Aasen, James Evans, William Fulco, Ronald Kingsley Read, Heinrich Schmid, Sequoyah


A Secret Vice, Conlanger, Ill Bethisad, Langmaker, Language Construction Kit, Language planning, Language reform, Zompist.com


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