Convolution (computer science)

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In computer science, specifically formal languages, a convolution is defined as follows:

Let ∑ be an alphabet, # a symbol not in ∑.

Let x1x2... x|x|, y1y2... y|y|, z1z2... z|z|, ... be n words over ∑*. Let \ell denote the maximum length.

The convolution of these words is


where for any index i > |w|, the wi is #. This is a new word in

((\Sigma\cup\{\# \})^n)^*.

The convolution of x, y, z, ... is sometimes denoted conv( x, y, z, ...), or xyz ⋆ ...

[edit] Example

The convolution of and, fish, be is


This article incorporates material from convolution on PlanetMath, which is licensed under the GFDL.