Convocation of American Churches in Europe

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The Convocation of American Churches in Europe is a jurisdiction of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America similar to a diocese. It includes all of ECUSA's churches in continental Europe. The Presiding Bishop has jurisdiction over the Convocation, delegated by canon to a Bishop in Charge, an office currently held by the Right Reverend Pierre W. Whalon, the first bishop of the Convocation to be elected by the Convocation Convention.


[edit] Parishes and Missions

There are nine full-fledged parishes and numerous missions. The parishes are located in five European countries, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy and France.

[edit] Germany

[edit] Switzerland

[edit] Belgium

[edit] Italy

  • St. Paul's Within the Walls, Rome and
  • St. James', Florence
  • Church of the Resurrection, Orvieto

[edit] France

[edit] External links
