Convention on the Nationality of Married Women

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[edit] Entry into Force

The Convention entered into force on August 11 1958

[edit] Purpose

The Convention was done in recognition that conflicts of law with reference to nationality occur from provisions concerning the loss or acquisition of nationality by women as a result of marriage, divorce, or of the change of nationality by the husband during marriage.

The Convention seeks to fulfil aspirations articulated in Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that 'everyone has a right to a nationality' and 'no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality'.

[edit] Key Substantive Content (summarised)

Article 1
Woman's nationality not to be automatically affected by marriage to an alien.

Article 2
Acquisition or renunciation of a nationality by a husband not to prevent the wife's retention of her nationality.

Article 3
Specially privileged nationality procedures to be available for wives to take the nationality of their husbands.

[edit] See also

Statelessness Reduction Convention

[edit] External links

Full Convention Text [1]