Context network
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The Context Network was a group of artists and curators, constituted ad-hoc for the purpose of realizing a communications project delivered as an interactive multi-media installation. The installation was shown in the Romanian Pavillon, at the 2001 Venice Biennale.
The members of the Context Network were: Bogdan Achimescu, Alexandru Antik, Olimpiu Bandalac, Bartha Sándor, Matei Bejenaru, Sebastian Bertalan, Mircea Cantor, Călin Dan, Teodor Graur, KissPál Szabolcs, Călin Man, Dan Mihalțianu, Alexandru Patatics, Rostopasca Group, Ütö Gusztáv, Raluca Velisar, Sorin Vreme. The project innitiators were Alexandru Patatics and Sebastian Bertalan.