Constructive induction

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Constructive induction is a process in the field of machine learning, which can be described as changing the representations of data by creating new attributes from existing ones, and possibly removing old ones. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Pazzani, M. (1996). Constructive induction of Cartesian product attributes. Retrieved on 2007-10-02.
  2. ^ Pfahringer, Bernhard (1994). "Robust Constructive Induction". KI-94: Advances in Artificial Intelligence : 18th German Annual Conference: 118-. 
  3. ^ Lo, Suzanne; Famili, A. (1997). "Development of a knowledge-driven constructive induction mechanism". Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis: Reasoning About Data : Second International Symposium, IDA-97: 173-. 
  4. ^ Liu, Huan; Motoda, Hiroshi (1998). Feature Extraction, Construction and Selection: A Data Mining Perspective. Springer. ISBN 0792381963. 
  5. ^ Kangassalo, Hannu; Jaakkola, Hannu (1990). Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases. IOS Press. ISBN 9051990367.