Constituent Cortes

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Political posters in an exhibition celebrating 20 years of the Spanish Constitution of 1978.
Political posters in an exhibition celebrating 20 years of the Spanish Constitution of 1978.

Constituent Cortes (Cortes constituyentes) is the description of the Cortes (Spanish parliament) when convened as a constituent assembly.

In the 20th century only one Constituent Cortes was officially opened ("Cortes" are "opened" in accordance with a mediaeval royal proclamation), and that was the Republican Cortes in 1931.

The Cortes in 1977 passed the new Spanish constitution; however, that was never officially considered "constituent", as the 1977 general elections were not mandated to consider a new constitution, but to rule under the constitution of the former dictatorship - the so called "Leyes Fundamentales" (fundamental laws).

[edit] See also