Connections (game)

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Connections (card game)
Alternate names Electricity
Type Drinking
Players 2+
Age range Legal drinking age
Deck 52
Cards Anglo-American
Play Clockwise
Card rank
(highest to lowest)
Playing time 15 minutes

Connections, also commonly known as Electricity, is a card game that is used for a drinking game. It is preferably played with three (3) or more players.

[edit] Equipment

  • 1 Standard deck of playing cards
  • Beer

[edit] Rules

  • All of the cards are dealt out face-down evenly to all of the players. Each player has his or her own pile, but may not look at it.
  • One person starts by turning over his top card.
  • Then, the second player turns over his first card.
  • If there is a "connection" between the two (2) cards, such as same suit or face value, each player drinks the face value of his card (Jack=11, Queen=12, King=13, and Ace=14).
  • The game continues around the circle, where connections can form between any amount of players.[1]

[edit] References
