Conjugate (algebra)

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In algebra, a conjugate of an element in a quadratic extension field of a field K is its image under the unique non-identity automorphism of the extended field that fixes K. If the extension is generated by a square root of an element r of K, then the conjugate of a+b\sqrt r is a-b\sqrt r for a,b\in K, and in particular in the case of the field C of complex numbers as extension of the field R of real numbers (where r = − 1), the conjugate of a + bi is just its complex conjugate abi.

Forming the sum or product of any element of the extension field with its conjugate always gives an element of K. This can be used to rewrite a quotient of numbers in the extended field so that the denominator lies in K, by multiplying numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the denominator. This process is called rationalization of the denominator, in particular if K is the field Q of rational numbers.


[edit] Differences of squares

An expression of the form

 a^2-b^2 \,

can be factored to give

 (a+b)(a-b) \,

This can be useful when trying to rationalize a denominator by making it rational if a or b is the irrational square root of a rational number.

[edit] Rationalizing radicals in denominator

An irrational denominator of the form a+b\sqrt r can be made rational by multiplying numerator and denominator by the conjugate a-b\sqrt r, so that the denominator becomes a2b2r.

\left ( \frac{1}{a+b\sqrt r} \right ) \left ( \frac{a-b\sqrt r}{a-b\sqrt r} \right ) =\frac{a-b\sqrt r}{a^2-b^2r}

Here is a concrete example:

 \frac{1}{2+2\sqrt 3} \frac{2-2\sqrt 3}{2-2\sqrt 3} =\frac{2-2\sqrt 3}{2^2-2^2 3}=\frac{2\sqrt 3-2}{8}=\frac{\sqrt 3-1}{4}  \,

[edit] See also

[edit] External links