Confederation of Reformed Evangelical Churches

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The Confederation of Reformed Evangelical Churches was founded in 1998 as a body of churches that hold to Reformed (Calvinistic) theology.[1] Member churches include those from Presbyterian, Reformed, and Reformed Baptist backgrounds. The CREC is international body with congregations in the United States, Canada, Japan, Russia, Hungary, and Poland.


[edit] Doctrine

The Confederation of Reformed Evangelical Churches holds to classic Calvinism (as promulgated in the Westminster Standards, Three Forms of Unity, and 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith), but on some doctrines in which Calvinists differ, (e.g., paedocommunion and paedobaptism) the Confederation allows each church to decide its own stance.

Federal Vision (also known as Auburn Avenue) theology is prevalent in the Confederation of Reformed Evangelical Churches, though it is very controversial in the Reformed world in general.

The Confederation of Reformed Evangelical Churches holds to the following historic Confessions:

[edit] Notable members

[edit] References

[edit] External links
