Concordia Senior College

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Concordia Senior College was a liberal arts college located in Fort Wayne, Indiana and affiliated with the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS). It was founded in 1953 and closed in 1977.

The senior college was a new type of institution; it provided future pastors with training before they attended a seminary, during their 3rd and 4th undergraduate years of college.

Concordia Senior College was by-and-large an all-men's institution with no female faculty, but there were a small number of female students who were housed in their own dormitory.

Concordia went out of existence in 1977 when its function was transferred to the regular Missouri Synod colleges, the Concordia University System. Today those colleges are responsible for much of the undergraduate training of future LCMS pastors. The campus was transferred to the Concordia Theological Seminary.

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