Conconi test

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The Conconi Test is a sports medicine test intended to measure an individual's maximum anaerobic and aerobic threshold heart rates.

The test measures a person's heart rates at different loads (e.g. faster speeds on a treadmill). The points are plotted on a graph and the graph's inflection point indicates the aerobic threshold. The heart rate increase (approximately) linearly up to the inflexion point, where the heart rate reaches its maximum. The test continues for a while, under increasing load, until the subject has hit the anaerobic threshold.


[edit] Accuracy

Modern studies have shown the Conconi test to be very inaccurate and not practical in assesing the anaerobic threshold.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  • Validity of the Modified Conconi Running Test. By: Sentija, D.; Vucetic, V.; Markovic, C.. International Journal of Sports Medicine, Dec2007, Vol. 28
  • The Conconi test is not valid for estimation of the lactate turnpoint in runners. By: Jones, Andrew M.; Doust, Jonathan H.. Journal of Sports Sciences, Jul97, Vol. 15 Issue 4
  • VALIDITY OF THE HEART RATE DEFLECTION POINT AS A PREDICTOR OF LACTATE THRESHOLD CONCEPTS DURING CYCLING. By: Bourgois, Jan; Coorevits, Pascal; Danneels, Lieven; Witvouw, Erik; Cambier, Dirk; Vrijens, Jacques. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, Aug2004, Vol. 18 Issue 3
  • Conconi, F, et al (1982) Determination of the anaerobic threshold by a non-invasive field test in runners. Journal of Applied Physiology, Vol 52, pp 869-873.
  • Jones, A and Doust, J (1995) Lack of reliability in Conconi's heart rate deflection point. International Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol 16, pp 541-544.
  • Peak Performance - Issue 23