Concert (operation)

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On the 19 September 1943 began an operation by the Soviet partisans under the code name “Concert” which was one of largest in World War II in its effects on the incapacitation of railroad communications in enemy rear logistics. The operation was conducted through a plan developed, and under the management of the Central Staff of Partisan Movement at the Stavka VGC (Chief Military Committee), and was coordinated with the forthcoming offensive of the Soviet troops in the Smolensk Offensive operation (Operation Suvorov 7 August - 2 October) and Gomel directions and intended crossing of the river Dnepr as part of the Summer-Autumn Campaign of 1943 (1 July - 31 December). The operation included participation of 193 partisan detachments and groups totalling more than 210 thousand man, women and even children.


[edit] Operational planning

[edit] Conduct of the operation

[edit] Operational results

[edit] Sources and references

  • [1] Russian Federation Ministry of Defense