Conceptual Model Theory

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The Conceptual Model Theory of Human Understanding is a historically distinct theory of knowledge that is the first foundational epistemological theory to be validated by commercial artificial intelligence use (see Information World).

The theory includes new theories of concepts, induction, deduction, a new solution to the classical Problem of Induction and the first new theory of deduction since Aristotle's.

Using the new conceptual representation and the new theory of deduction, software was able to deliver answers to questions from random natural language documents, and was recognized by leading high technology conferences Comdex) and industry authorities Morgan Stanley and IDC).

One of the Cornell University-educated author's books also discusses how political pressures have biased philosophical views through the twentieth century, and this is a primary reason why artificial intelligence technology has not advanced.

Modern philosophy still suffers from relativistic bias (dogmatic subjectivism), introduced in the early twentieth-century, which serves the interests of those whose work lacks scientific rigour (justifying any work as good as any other, thus worthy of funding), and in general is opposed to foundational philosophic advances which improve critical thinking abilities. This new theory establishes the fundamental error of subjectivism--it cannot be asserted about any branch of knowledge rationally--otherwise, the assertion is self-contradictory. Knowledge is not subjective, because it cannot be asserted so without claiming the non-subjectivity of the assertion.

The theory also shows how the Problem of Induction discourages inductive concept creation skills (innovation), asserting them as irrational, as formed through induction. The theory’s new solution to the Problem of Induction shows how a particular class of concepts formed through induction has certainty [1]. Because of the influence of the Problem of Induction, the field of philosophy has been stagnant for more than a century, unable to compete with the rapid, genuine advances other fields have demonstrated.

The Conceptual Model Theory’s new outlook on induction shows how inductive concepts are created, by particular mental methods that can be learned to improve one’s innovative capacity, and how a poor capacity to form inductive concepts is responsible for a host of psychological ailments, from poor self-esteem (lack of concept-forming ability leading to inapplicable concepts and erred performance), intolerance (inability to validate new concepts formed through induction, and thus antipathy and fear toward them), and racial prejudices.

The primary premise behind the theory is that ideas are created by humans as a means of modelling the world, in the manner that mathematical symbols model dynamic systems.

Because languages are imprecise, many of the conceptual models of human realities that people reason from are poor representations of their referents, thus making it more difficult to understand others and the human experience in general, resulting in successful living being unattainable for much of the populous.