User:Commander Cool

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[edit] Commander Cool

Commander Cool started his days as a young larva struggling out of his mucous-laden hole-in-the-ground. After some time spent wriggling disgustingly (and slightly jelly like) in the sunlight, this maggot created a coccoon (or pupa) and, eight years later, emerged as the dapper young man we all know and love as the unforgetable, indispensable, irregretable Commander Cool.

Comm. Cool (who worked his way through the Cool Army ranks rather speedily, due to his innate awesomeness) has been known to hang around such miscreants as General Jimbo, Private Public, and BRETT H. (revered by most as a High Deity). Rumors abound as to the exact number of females who find the Commander attractive, but let those rumors be laid to rest, as the exact number is: all of them.

Yes, Commander Cool is, well, cool. So feel free to talk to him, whether it be about his mucous-laden past, his innate awesomness, or his connections with the divine (i.e., BRETT H.).

For more kicks and giggles, try here.


Fresh off his fantastical sabbatical, Commander Cool has returned to the wonderful world of wiki!! However, due to some entirely unforseeable and completely irreversible technical problems (how was I supposed to know that I'd forget my password and my old email address?), he now resides under the name and main page Commander Cool, part deux. Feel free to see what ye olde Commander is up to these days. I promise you, it is going to be good. No, scratch that--it's gonna be GREAT!!!