Computer rage

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Computer rage is a heightened physiological response with associated feelings of anger and frustration (Lazar, Jones, Bessiere, Ceaparu, & Shneiderman, 2004). It may result in the physical assault of a computer and/or a computer related item. Computer rage often involves verbal abuse of a computer and/or a computer related item (Brinks, 2004). Computer rage may be caused by distress due to the a hardware or software problem which the enraged person is being unable to correct.

[edit] Computer rage in popular culture

  • Bad Day is a video circulated around the Internet that allegedly shows computer rage.
  • A popular GIF animation of a man trying to smash the computer but ends up dismembering himself is sometimes circulated on the Internet.
  • Angry German Kid is another video circulating the web. It shows a boy attempting to download Unreal Tournament, but destroys his computer when the game fails to load.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links