Comparison of programming languages (syntax)

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[edit] Statements

Programming language statements typically have conventions for:

  • statement separators;
  • statement terminators; and
  • line continuation

A statement separator is used to demarcate boundaries between two separate statements. A statement terminator is used to demarcate the end of an individual statement. Line continuation is a convention in languages where the newline character could potentially be misinterpreted as a statement terminator. In such languages, it allows a single statement to span more than just one line.

[edit] Statement terminators

Semicolon terminated:

Newline terminated:

Period terminated:

[edit] Statement separators

Semicolon separated:

Period separated:

Colon separated:

Whitespace separated

[edit] Line continuation

Backslash as last character of line

Ampersand as last character of line

Backtick as last character of line

Underscore as last character of line

Some form of inline comment serves as line continuation

Character position

  • Fortran 77: A non-comment line is a continuation of the previous non-comment line if any non-space character appears in column 6. Comment lines cannot be continued.
  • Cobol: String constants may be continued by not ending the original string in a PICTURE clause with ', then inserting a - in column 7 (same position as the * for comment is used.)

[End and Begin] using normal quotes

  • C and C++ preprocessor: The string is ended normally and continues by starting with a quote on the next line.

[edit] Blocks

A block is a notation for a group of two or more statements, expressions or other units of code that are related in such a way as to comprise a whole. In a curly bracket programming language this is done with braces, while e.g. Pascal uses "begin" and "end". Ruby has a concept of a block which is distinct from its normal begin ... end blocks. In Ruby a block is similar to an anonymous function which encloses the calling context (see Closure) and receives arguments from the function calling it. Python uses only indentation to group statements into blocks.

[edit] Comments

Comments can be classified by:

  • style (inline/block)
  • parse rules (ignored/interpolated/stored in memory)
  • recursivity (nestable/non-nestable)
  • uses (docstrings/throwaway comments/other)

[edit] Inline comments

Inline comments are generally those that use a newline character to indicate the end of a comment, and an arbitrary delimiter or sequence of tokens to indicate the beginning of a comment.


   C          Fortran; the 'C' must be in column 1 of a line to indicate a comment.
   REM        Basic, COMMAND.COM, cmd.exe
   #          Perl, Python, Ruby, Windows PowerShell, PHP
   %          TeX, Prolog, MATLAB, Erlang
   //         C, C++, C#, Object Pascal (Delphi), Java, JavaScript, PHP
   '          Visual Basic, VBscript
   !          Fortran, Basic Plus 
   ;          Autoit, AutoHotkey, Lisp, Scheme, many assemblers
   --         Euphoria, Haskell, SQL, ADA, Applescript, Eiffel, Lua
   *          Cobol, many assemblers
   ||         Curl

[edit] Block comments

Block comments are generally those that use a delimiter to indicate the beginning of a comment, and another delimiter to indicate the end of a comment. In this context, whitespace and newline characters are not counted as delimiters.


   /* */             C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, Visual Prolog
   """ """           Python, Ruby[2]
   ''' '''           Python[2]
   =begin =end       Perl, Ruby
   {- -}             Haskell
   (* *)             Object Pascal (Delphi), ML, Mathematica, Pascal, Applescript, OCaml
   {   }             Object Pascal (Delphi), Pascal
   <!-- -->          HTML
   |# #|             Curl

[edit] Unique variants

[edit] Fortran

  • The indentation of lines in FORTRAN 66/77 is significant. The actual statement is in columns 7 through 72 of a line. Any non-space character in column 6 indicates that this line is a continuation of the previous line. A 'C' in column 1 indicates that this entire line is a comment. Columns 1 though 5 may contain a number which serves as a label. Columns 73 though 80 are ignored and may be used for comments; in the days of punched cards these columns contained a sequence number so that the deck of cards could be sorted into the correct order if someone accidentally dropped the cards. Fortran 90 removed the need for the indentation rule and added traditional inline comments, using the ! character as the comment delimiter.

[edit] Perl

  • Block comments in Perl are considered part of the documentation, and are given the name Plain Old Documentation (POD). Technically, Perl does not have a convention for including block comments in source code, but POD is routinely used as a workaround.

[edit] PHP

  • PHP supports standard C/C++ style comments, but also supports Perl style as well.

[edit] Python

  • The use of the triple-(double)quotes although sometimes used to comment-out lines of source, does not actually form a comment. The enclosed text becomes a string, usually a string statement. Python usually ignores a lone string as a statement (except when a string is the first statement in the body of a module, class or function; see docstring).

[edit] Ruby

  • As with Python and Perl, Ruby has no specific block-comment syntax. However, like Perl, documentation blocks can be used as block comments as they are ignored by the interpreter.

[edit] Curl

  • Curl supports block comments with user-defined tags as in |foo# ... #foo|

[edit] Esoteric languages

[edit] Comment comparison

There is a wide variety of syntax styles for declaring comments in source code. BlockComment in italics is used here to indicate block comment style. InlineComment in italics is used here to indicate inline comment style.

  • Ada, Eiffel, Euphoria, Lua, Occam, SPARK, ANSI SQL, ToolBook OpenScript, and VHDL:
    • -- InlineComment
  • ALGOL 60:
    • comment BlockComment;
  • ALGOL 68:
    • ¢ BlockComment ¢
    • comment BlockComment comment
    • co BlockComment co
    • # BlockComment #
    • £ BlockComment £
  • AppleScript:
    • (* BlockComment *)
    • -- InlineComment
  • Assembly language: (varies)
    • ; InlineComment   one example (most assembly languages use line comments only)
  • AWK, Bash, Bourne shell, C shell, Maple, Python, R, Tcl, and Windows PowerShell:
    • # InlineComment
  • BASIC (various dialects):
    • 'InlineComment (not all dialects)
    • REM InlineComment
  • C (K&R, ANSI/C89/C90), CHILL, CSS, PL/I, and REXX:
    • /* BlockComment */
  • C (C99), C++, and JavaScript:
    • /* BlockComment */
    • // InlineComment
  • C#
    • /* BlockComment */
    • /** BlockComment */ (XML documentation comment)
    • // InlineComment
    • /// InlineComment (XML documentation comment)
  • Cobol:
    • * InlineComment when * is in column 7
  • Curl:
    • || InlineComment</code?
    • |# BlockComment #|
    • |foo# BlockComment #foo|
  • D:
    • /* BlockComment */
    • // InlineComment
    • /+ BlockComment +/ (nestable)
  • DCL:
    • $! InlineComment
  • ECMAScript (JavaScript, ActionScript, etc):
    • /* BlockComment */
    • // InlineComment
  • Forth:
    • ( BlockComment )
    • \ InlineComment
  • FORTRAN 66/77:
    • C InlineComment (the letter 'C' in the first column makes the entire line a comment).
  • Fortran 90:
    • ! InlineComment (all characters on the line, from the exclamation mark onwards, are comments)
  • HTML (see SGML below)
  • Java:
    • // InlineComment
    • /* BlockComment */
    • /** BlockComment */ (Javadoc documentation comment)
  • Lisp and Scheme
    • #| BlockComment |#
    • ; InlineComment
  • Mathematica:
    • % (* BlockComment *)
  • Matlab:
    • % BlockComment;
    • %{
      Use this to comment out multiple lines without placing a "%" in front of every single one.
      Nothing besides %{ must appear on that line

  • Object Pascal (Delphi):
    • (* BlockComment *)
    • { BlockComment }
    • // InlineComment
  • Pascal, Modula-2, Modula-3, Oberon, and ML:
    • (* BlockComment *) (OCaml comments are nestable)
  • Perl and Ruby:
    • # InlineComment
    • =begin
      (POD documentation comment)
    • __END__
      Comments after end of code
  • PHP:
    • # InlineComment
    • // InlineComment
    • /* BlockComment */
  • PILOT:
    • R:InlineComment
  • PL/SQL and TSQL:
    • /* BlockComment */
    • -- InlineComment
  • REALbasic:
    • ' InlineComment
    • // InlineComment
    • rem InlineComment
  • SAS:
    • * BlockComment;
    • /* BlockComment */
  • Seed7:
    • (* BlockComment *)
    • # InlineComment
  • SGML, including HTML:
    A comment declaration starts with <!, followed by zero or more comments, followed by >. A comment starts and ends with --, and does not contain any occurrence of --. Valid examples are:
    • <!-- BlockComment -- -- BlockComment -->,
    • <!------ BlockComment -->, or
    • <!>.
  • Smalltalk:
    • "BlockComment"
  • Smarty:
    • {* BlockComment *}
  • Standard ML:
    • (* BlockComment *)
  • TeX, LaTeX, PostScript, and Erlang:
    • % InlineComment
  • Texinfo:
    • @c InlineComment
    • @comment InlineComment
  • TUTOR:
    • * BlockComment
    • command $$ BlockComment
  • Visual Basic:
    • ' InlineComment
    • Rem InlineComment
  • Visual Basic .NET
    • ' InlineComment
    • ''' InlineComment (XML documentation comment)
    • Rem InlineComment
  • Visual Prolog:
    • /* BlockComment */
    • % InlineComment
  • XML, including XHTML:
    • <!--BlockComment--> (comment must not contain -- and must not start or end with single -)

[edit] References

  1. ^ For multiple statements on one line
  2. ^ a b More precisely, the quoted text forms a string literal.