Comparison of news clients

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This is a Comparison of news clients.

Name Interface Type of Client Downloading headers XOVER Automatic PAR Support NZB Support UnRAR Support Integrated Search Service (retention / $$$/yr) IPv6 Support Built-in SSL/TLS Support Price Platform License Extra Information
40tude Dialog GUI Combination Yes No No Free/$59 Microsoft Windows Proprietary Freeware for personal use, shareware for commercial
Alt.Binz GUI Binary Grabber No Yes Yes Yes Yes

(???/provided by free index sites)

Yes Yes Free/Donation Microsoft Windows Proprietary Usenet search feature
Android GUI Binary Grabber Yes No Yes $29.95 Microsoft Windows Proprietary Shareware
Arachne GUI Traditional Newsreader Yes No No Free DOS, Unix-like GPL
Binary Boy GUI Binary Grabber Yes No Yes $27.95 CAD Microsoft Windows Proprietary Shareware
Binary News Reaper GUI Binary Grabber Yes No Yes Free Microsoft Windows Proprietary Has a plugin interface
Binbot GUI Binary Grabber Yes No Yes Yes Yes

(free/varies by search site)

Yes Yes $19.95 Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Unix-like Proprietary Shareware
Express NewsPictures GUI Other Yes No No $35 Microsoft Windows Proprietary News client, dedicated to pictures, video and music downloading and viewing; Shareware
Forté Agent GUI Combination Yes No Yes $29 Microsoft Windows Proprietary Includes 3 month newsgroup service trial; Shareware
Gemini (mail/news) GUI Traditional Newsreader Yes No No No No Yes £29.99 / $52.18 (mail/news) Linux x86, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X Proprietary Qt
GrabIt GUI Binary Grabber Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

( 30 days / $20/yr )

Free Microsoft Windows Proprietary Usenet Search Service
hellanzb CLI NZB Downloader No Yes Yes Yes Free Unix-like BSD
KLibido GUI Binary Grabber Yes No Yes Free Unix-like GPL KDE
Knews GUI Combination Yes No No Free Unix-like GPL KDE
KNode GUI Traditional Newsreader Yes No No Free Unix-like GPL KDE
Lotus Notes GUI Traditional Newsreader Yes No No Varies Microsoft Windows, Unix-like, Mac OS X Proprietary
Name Interface Type of Client Downloading headers XOVER Automatic PAR Support NZB Support unZip/unRAR Support Integrated Search Service (retention / $$$/yr) IPv6 Support Built-in SSL/TLS Support Price Platform License Extra Information
Lynx Text-based Traditional Newsreader Yes No No Free Cross-platform GPL Limited USENET support
MacSOUP GUI Traditional Newsreader Yes No No $20 Mac OS, Mac OS X Proprietary
MesNews GUI Combination Yes No No Free Microsoft Windows Proprietary Plugin support
MicroPlanet Gravity GUI Traditional Newsreader Yes No No Free Microsoft Windows BSD
Mozilla Mail & Newsgroups GUI Traditional Newsreader Yes No No Free Cross-platform MPL/GPL/LGPL tri-license Replaced by SeaMonkey Mail & Newsgroups
Mozilla Thunderbird GUI Traditional Newsreader Yes No No Yes Yes Free Cross-platform MPL/GPL/LGPL tri-license Plugin support
MT-NewsWatcher GUI Traditional Newsreader Yes No No Free Mac OS, Mac OS X Proprietary Plugin support
New Yanoff GUI Traditional Newsreader Yes No No Free/$24 Palm OS Proprietary Freeware/Shareware
Newsbin Pro GUI Binary Grabber Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

( 100 days / $60/yr )

Yes Yes $35 Microsoft Windows Proprietary Shareware
Newsgroup Commander GUI Binary Grabber Yes No No 49.95$ Microsoft Windows Proprietary Shareware
NewsLeecher GUI Binary Grabber Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

( 189 days / $29.99/yr )

Yes Yes $19.99-$29.99 Microsoft Windows Proprietary Shareware
Newsman Pro GUI Combination Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes $29.95 Microsoft Windows Proprietary
Newsreactor GUI Combination Yes No No $15 Microsoft Windows Proprietary Shareware
NewsShark GUI Binary Grabber Yes No No $35 Microsoft Windows Proprietary Shareware
News File Grabber GUI Binary Grabber Yes Yes Yes Yes $19.90 Microsoft Windows Proprietary Shareware
News Rover GUI Combination Yes Yes Yes Yes

( ??? / $18.95/yr )

$29.95 Microsoft Windows Proprietary Shareware
Ninan Web Based UI NZB Downloader No Yes Yes Yes Free Microsoft Windows, Unix-like Apache License
Nomad News GUI Combination Yes No No Free Microsoft Windows Proprietary
Novell GroupWise GUI Traditional Newsreader Yes No No Varies Microsoft Windows, Unix-like Proprietary
Name Interface Type of Client Downloading headers XOVER Automatic PAR Support NZB Support unZip/unRAR Support Integrated Search Service (retention / $$$/yr) IPv6 Support Built-in SSL/TLS Support Price Platform License Extra Information
NZB-O-Matic Plus GUI Binary Grabber No No Yes Free Microsoft Windows Open Source
Opera M2 GUI Traditional Newsreader Yes No No Yes Yes Free Cross-platform Proprietary
OSXnews GUI Traditional Newsreader Yes No No Free Mac OS X BSD
Outlook Express GUI Traditional Newsreader Yes No No Yes Yes Microsoft Windows Proprietary Part of Microsoft Windows
Ozum GUI Binary Grabber Yes Yes No $ 28.90 Microsoft Windows Proprietary Automatic file-part finding; Shareware
Pan GUI Combination Yes No Yes Free Cross-platform GPL Gtk+
SABnzbd+ Web Based UI NZB Downloader No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Free OS independent GPL
Seamonkey Mail & Newsgroups GUI Traditional Newsreader Yes No No Free Cross-platform MPL/GPL/LGPL tri-license Replaced Mozilla Mail & Newsgroups
Sylpheed GUI Traditional Newsreader Yes No No Free Cross-platform GPL/LGPL Gtk+
The nzb Project GUI Binary Grabber Yes Yes Free Microsoft Windows, Unix-like GPL Free Software
TLNews Newsreader GUI Binary Grabber Yes No Yes $29.95 Microsoft Windows Proprietary Shareware
UltraLeecher GUI Binary Grabber Yes Yes Yes Yes

(200 days / $9.95/yr)

$19.95 Microsoft Windows Proprietary
Unison (Usenet client) GUI Combination Yes Yes Yes $24.95 Mac OS X Proprietary Shareware
URD Web Based UI Combination Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

(locally / free)

No Yes Free Cross-platform GPL Freeware
Usenet Explorer GUI Combination Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

( 210 days / $23.34/yr )

Yes $35 Microsoft Windows Proprietary Shareware
XanaNews Newsreader GUI Combination Yes No No Free Microsoft Windows Open Source
Xnews GUI Combination Yes No No Free Microsoft Windows Proprietary
XPN GUI Traditional Newsreader Yes No No Yes Free Cross-platform GPL
Name Interface Type of Client Downloading headers XOVER Automatic PAR Support NZB Support unZip/unRAR Support Integrated Search Service (retention / $$$/yr) IPv6 Support Built-in SSL/TLS Support Price Platform License Extra Information