Comparison of Web Map Services

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[edit] Web Map Services

Recent developments in web technologies and design trends have had a great impact on the user experience. Today, a variety of web map services exist, each of them providing a similar interface to extensive mapping and other GIS data.

[edit] Comparison

Feature Sub Feature Google Maps Yahoo Maps Live Search Maps
Google Maps with Directions Feature
Google Maps with Directions Feature
Yahoo Live Maps
Yahoo Live Maps
Virtual Earth 3D within Live Search Maps
Virtual Earth 3D within Live Search Maps
Availability Full Extra Functionality Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, UK, United States. United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and most European countries. United States, Canada (with the exception of the rural northeastern provinces), United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, India
Limited Extra Functionality Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia (Moscow only), San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey (Istanbul only) Unknown Unknown
Directory Listings Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Japan, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, the UK, and the United States Unknown Unknown
Officially Supported Web Browsers IE6+, Firefox 0.8+, Safari 1.2.4+, Netscape 7.1+, Mozilla 1.4+, Opera 8.02+ Unknown IE5.5+, Firefox 1.5+, Safari 2+
Viewing Interface Degrees of Motion Vertical, Horizontal, Depth, 360 Panoramic (Street View) Vertical, Horizontal, Depth Vertical, Horizontal, Depth, (3D Mode: Tilt, Pan, Rotate)
Map Zoom 19 (via user-interface), more levels available through parameter 17 (via user-interface) 19 (via user-interface)
Mouse Scroll Wheel Map Zoom Yes Yes, not consistent. Yes
Direct Mouse Interface (Draggable etc) Yes Yes (Low Bandwidth Version: No) Yes
Dynamic search results based on dragging on the Map No No Yes
Keyboard Shortcuts Yes Yes Yes
Map Types 5: Map, Satellite, Terrain, Street, Traffic 3: Map, Hybrid, Satellite 6: Road, Aerial, Hybrid, Bird's Eye, Traffic, 3D
3D Mode No No Yes (ActiveX only)
Technologies Technologies Used Javascript, XMLHttpRequest (AJAX), Hidden Iframe, XSLTProcessor, JSON, XML Flash, Javascript, XMLHttpRequest (AJAX), XML, Flex Javascript, AJAX, Microsoft Virtual Earth, Microsoft Mappoint, Microsoft TerraServer, .NET
Backend JSON Flex .NET
Backend Providers deCarta (formally Telcontar) Yahoo Microsoft
Data Age of Map Imagery      
Age of Satellite Imagery 1-3 years old 2-3 years old  
Map Data Providers NAVTEQ, TeleAtlas, DigitalGlobe, MDA Federal NAVTEQ, TeleAtlas, i-cubed, Public domain NAVTEQ, Intermap, Pictometry, NASA
Directory Data Providers Google, Infoserve - Powered by SmartView Live Local Listings, Yellow Pages
Searching Location Post Code, Street Name, Town, Neighborhood, City, Long/Lat Post Code, Street Name, Town, City Post Code, Street Name, Town, City
Entity Business, Places of Interest, Airport Code Business, Places of Interest, Airport Code Businesses, Collections, Directories, Postal Codes
User Created Yes No Yes (Collections)
Levels of Filtering 1 Many - SmartView 0
Directions Directions Yes Yes Yes,
Except Japan
Reverse Directions Yes Yes Yes
Public Transport Integration Yes No No
Multiple Destinations Yes Yes No
Send to Device Email Email, SMS Email
Live Traffic Information Yes Yes Yes
Personalization Set Home Location Yes No, but remembers last location Yes, via Microsoft Location Finder ActiveX Control
Save Maps Yes Yes Yes
Printing Print Option Yes Yes Yes
Scale to Print No No No
Crop to Print Yes Yes Yes
Notes Yes No Yes
Retains Overlays? Matched Searches, Directions Smartview, Directions Matches Searches, Directions, Collections
Collaboration / Embedding

Send hyperlink to email

Yes Yes Yes
Embed HTML Iframe link Yes No No
Application Integration Google Earth, BMW Assist Mercedes-Benz In Car System Microsoft Office
API Available Yes Yes - Javascript and Flash Yes, SDK
Other   Save to Blog on Windows Live Space
Sharable Maps Yes No Via Blogging
Readily Available Overlays Yes No Yes (Collections)
Advertising Business Advertising Yes No  
Mobile Mobile-Specific Website Yes No Yes
Mobile-Specific Application Yes No Yes, Windows Live Search (Windows Mobile Only)
Contact Integration Yes - Yes
Voice Integration No - Yes
GPS Integration Yes - Yes
Directions Yes Send directions via SMS with hyperlink Yes
Interactive Maps Yes - Yes
Types of Map Map, Satellite, Terrain - Map
Cell Based Location Yes - No

[edit] Sources