Compact area group approach (CAGA)

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CAGA (Compact Area Group Approach) – A New Farmer Participatory Extension Approach to Mobilise Group Action Against Problems Like Coconut Mite

INTRODUCTION Compact Area Group Approach is a new farmer participatory extension approach, developed and field tested by Prof. K. Abdul Kareem, eminent agricultural extensionist of India. It is popularly known by its acronym, CAGA. CAGA promotes and sustains group action in a contiguous area for durable adoption of technologies. CAGA was successfully implemented in Pariyaram gramapanchayat limits in Taliparamba block for the control of coconut mite by the Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kannur under Kerala Agricultural University. CAGA can be replicated for solving similar problems in other areas.[1][2]

SALIENT FEATURES OF CAGA 1 Legitimization by local / opinion leaders 5 Empowering farmers 2 Application of the principle of rewards and incentives (strokes) 6 Formation of committees; division of tasks and responsibilities 3 Awareness generation 7 Farmer to farmer motivation 4 Promotes local leadership 8 Mobilises local resources KVK’s role: provides technical support, facilitator

APPLICABILITY OF CAGA CAGA can be applied to solve problems of following nature:

• Incidence of pests and diseases of endemic nature in which individual adoption may not be effective Eg: Coconut Mite. Bud rot disease of Coconut; Foot rot of pepper • Adoption of soil and water conservation technologies under watershed development programmes • Environmental problems like pollution caused by plastic wastes

PROBLEMS SELECTED FOR TESTING CAGA Coconut mite being the one of the prioritized problems of the state and demanding compact area approach it was selected for field testing CAGA.

There are proven technologies as per the package of practices of Kerala Agricultural University-both organic and inorganic- against the pest. However, mite continues to be a menace as individual adoption by few farmers here and there is ineffective as coconut is cultivated contiguously throughout the region.

MODE OF IMPLEMENTATION 1. Selection of compact area in consultation with local leaders 2. Legitimization 3. Documentation of the bench mark through PRA 4. Leaders’ meeting 5. Joint meeting of farmers, leaders and climbers 6. Training farmers and climbers 7. Public meeting 8. Committees, office bearers / volunteers 9. Preparatory work 10. Review meetings and follow up

The following committees of volunteers are to be formed to ensure the cooperation and participation of all villagers.

1.Motivation Committee 2. Farmers’ Research cum Pest Management Committee 3.Refreshment Committee 4. Publicity Committee 5.Monitoring Committee

Convenors, Joint Convenors and Members of each committees are to be selected and their roles and responsibilities clearly spelt out and given in black and white.

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