Communist Forum

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Communist Forum is a Marxist-Leninist grouping in England. They are perhaps better known by the name of their newsletter, Fightback.

The group originated from the departure of two or three members of the Revolutionary Communist Group over the RCG's condemnation of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States. Consequently, Fightback regards itself as more stridently anti-imperialist than the RCG. It is particularly virulent in opposition to Israel, which it calls The Zionist Entity, labelling even Israeli children as Zionists. It considers the majority of the population of developed countries to be labour aristocrats who are complicit in imperialist domination of the poor masses of the world. It has thus taken the view that strikes by British workers, notably the 2002 firemen's strike, are demands by already privileged people for even more money, and have thus condemned them. On another occasion, however, the organisation appeared to support the police, after gang activity in Nottingham.

As of December 2005 Communist Forum appears to be defunct or at least inactive.

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