Communes of Romania

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Local administrative units of Romania
Local administrative units of Romania


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A commune (comună in Romanian) is the lowest level of administrative subdivision in Romania. There are 2686 communes in Romania. The commune is the rural subdivision of a county (urban areas, such as towns and cities within a county, are given the status of city or municipality).

There is no clear restriction upon the population of a commune, even though when a commune becomes relatively urbanised and exceeds approximately 10,000 inhabitants, it is granted city-status (even though cities are on the same tertiary administrative level as communes, they do have a more powerful form of local government). Some urban or semi-urban areas of less than 10,000 inhabitants have, however, also been given city status. Each commune is administered by a mayor (primar in Romanian). A commune is made up of a one or more villages, even though villages do not have an administrative function (that is, they do not have any form of local administration but rather have a status similar to suburbs of towns in countries like the United Kingdom). Communes, like cities, correspond to the NUTS V-level subdivisions in the European Union.

[edit] See also