Common snook

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common page snook

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Centropomidae
Genus: Centropomus
Species: C. undecimalis
Binomial name
Centropomus undecimalis
(Bloch, 1792)

The common snook (Centropomus undecimalis) is a species of marine fish in the family Centropomidae of the order Perciformes. This species is native to the coastal waters of the western Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea, from southern Florida to Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.

One of the largest snooks, C. undecimalis grows to a maximum overall length of 140 cm (4 ftin) and a maximum recorded weight of 24 kg (54 lb). Of typical centropomid form, it possesses unremarkable coloration except for a distinctive black lateral line. It may also possess bright yellow pelvic and caudal fins especially during spawn.

Occurring in shallow coastal waters (up to 20 m [66 ft] depth), estuaries, and lagoons, the fish often enters fresh water. It is carnivorous, with a diet dominated by smaller fishes, and crustaceans such as shrimps, and occasionally crabs.

Considered an excellent food fish, the common snook is fished commercially and raised in aquaculture although it is not available for sale in the US. It is also prized as a game fish.

Three United States Navy submarines have been named for this species, USS Robalo (SS-273) and USS Snook (SS-279) in the Second World War and USS Snook (SSN-592) in the 1950s.

The common snook is also known as the sergeant fish or róbalo. It was originally assigned to the sciaenid genus Sciaena; Sciaena undecimradiatus and Centropomus undecimradiatus are obsolete synonyms for the species.

‘Róbalo’ or Snook are world-renowned game fish of the Centropomidae Family – Genus Centropomus that are much sought after by fly fishing enthusiasts and sportfishing charters. Six Atlantic and six Pacific Ocean species are currently recognized as scientifically valid. All are known to inhabit Central America and all are excellent gamefish. There is no evidence found of the individual species crossing from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean or vice-versa through the Panama Canal. Interestingly, all Robalo or Snook species are capable of inhabiting both fresh and saltwater and are known to seasonally occupy Gatun Lake, which forms a water bridge connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans as an integral part of the Panama Canal. Of the twelve species only 4 are known to reach sizes in excess of 10 lbs. – two Atlantic Ocean species (Centropomus Undecimalis and Centropomus Poeyi) and two Pacific Ocean species (Centropomus Viridis and Centropomus Nigrescens). The eight species of smaller Robalo usually grow to less than 6 lbs. and can be readily distinguished by from the four larger species by their noticeably longer anal spine, anal fin configuration and body shape. The four large species are immediately recognizable by because of their more streamlined appearance given by the longer narrower body shape. Many individual species of Robalo bear a close resemblance to one another although they may be from the same or different oceans so identification is best left up to experts. The two Atlantic Ocean large Robalo species (Centropomus Undecimalis and Centropomus Poeyi) are virtually identical in appearance. They can usually only be distinguished by the number of gill rakers each possesses. The Robalo or Common Snook (Centropomus Undecimalis) commonly has eleven to thirteen non-rudimentary gill rakers and the Mexican Snook (Centropomus Poeyi) is most often found to possess fifteen to eighteen non-rudimentary gill rakers. The Pacific Ocean “Robalo Ñato” or White Snook (Centropomus Viridis) is also a dead ringer for the Common Snook (Centropomus Undecimalis). The distinguishing feature is also the non-rudimentary gill raker count with thirteen to fifteen for the White Snook (Centropomus Viridis). They act, breed, grow and fight virtually the same. Curiously, laboratory reared specimens of the Common Snook (Centropomus Undecimalis) showed meristic variations in vertebrae, fin ray and gill raker numbers not observed in specimens from the wild. These variations are suspected to be due to diet and growth rates. Large Robalo caught in Lake Gatun Panama invariably cause a wealth of confusion. The IGFA requires verification of the species by a designated authority for world record claims. The two Pacific Ocean species of large Robalo (Centropomus Viridis and Centropomus Nigrescens) are somewhat easier to distinguish. The ‘Robalo Redondo’ or Black Snook (Centropomus Nigrescens) can be differentiated by three visually apparent characteristics when compared to the ‘Robalo Ñato’ or White Snook (Centropomus Viridis): Centropomus Nigrescens, Black Snook VS White Snook Centropomus Viridis

1)The body of Centropomus Nigrescens, Black Snook while similarly elongate is rounder and heavier in general appearance – being thicker through the middle than Centropomus Viridis, White Snook. 2) The head of Centropomus Nigrescens, Black Snook is bigger and the undershot jaw, characteristic of all Róbalo is far less pronounced than in Centropomus Viridis, White Snook. 3) Most importantly, the fourth dorsal spine of Centropomus Nigrescens, Black Snook is taller than the third. In both species the first two dorsal spines are hardly noticeable. In large specimens these first two spines are only a quarter of an inch long, while the third spine is over two inches in length. Therefore if the first long dorsal spine is longer than all the others are, it is a ‘Robalo Ñato’ or White Snook (Centropomus Viridis), however if the first long dorsal spine is shorter than the second long dorsal spine it is a ‘Robalo Redondo’ or Black Snook (Centropomus Nigrescens).

Snook or Robalo types as game fish

[edit] References