Combat helmet

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A modern French combat helmet
A modern French combat helmet

A combat helmet is a helmet designed specifically for use during combat. Helmets are among the oldest forms of personal protective equipment, and are known to have been worn by the Assyrians around 900BC, followed by the ancient Greeks and Romans, throughout the Middle Ages, and up to the end of the 1600s by many combatants.[1] Their materials and construction became more advanced as weapons became more and more powerful. Initially constructed from leather and brass, and then bronze and iron during the Bronze and Iron Ages, they soon came to be made entirely from forged steel in many societies after about 950AD.[2] At that time, they were purely military equipment, protecting the head from cutting blows with swords, flying arrows, and low-velocity musketry.

Military use of helmets declined after 1670, and rifled firearms ended their use by foot soldiers after 1700.[3] By the 18th century, cavalry units often wore steel body cuirasses, and frequently metal skull protectors under their hats, called "secrets". The Prussian spiked helmet, or Pickelhaube, offered almost no protection from the increased use of heavy artillery during World War I, and in 1916 was replaced by the German steel helmet, or Stahlhelm, and afterwards it was worn merely for tradition.[4][5][6]

The Napoleonic era saw ornate cavalry helmets reintroduced for cuirassiers and dragoons in some armies; they continued to be used by French forces during World War I as late as 1915, when they were replaced by the new French Adrian helmet.[7] It was soon followed by the adoption of similar steel helmets by the other warring nations.

US Marine Corps M1917 Brodie helmet
US Marine Corps M1917 Brodie helmet

World War I and its increased use of heavy artillery had renewed the need for steel helmets, which were quickly introduced by all the combatant nations for their foot soldiers. In the 20th century, such helmets offered protection for the head from shrapnel and spent, or glancing, bullets.[8]

Today's militaries often use high-quality helmets made of ballistic materials such as Kevlar and Aramid, which have excellent bullet and fragmentation stopping power. Some helmets also have good non-ballistic protective qualities, though many do not.[9] Non-ballistic injuries may be caused by many things, including (but not limited to) concussive shockwaves from explosions, physical attacks, motor vehicle accidents, or falls.


[edit] Types

[edit] Current

A modern German Army Gefechtshelm
A modern German Army Gefechtshelm
United States soldier wearing the MICH TC-2000.
United States soldier wearing the MICH TC-2000.
A side view of a Vietnam-era M1 helmet
A side view of a Vietnam-era M1 helmet
6th century spangenhelm
6th century spangenhelm

[edit] Modern, no longer in use

[edit] World War I through Vietnam

[edit] Mediaeval and early modern period military

[edit] Ancient military

[edit] Various periods

[edit] References

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