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ComSubLant (or COMSUBLANT) is the approved U.S. Navy abbreviation for "Commander, Submarine Force, Atlantic Fleet."

Submarine forces under command of ComSubLant are known as SubLant, or SUBLANT.

[edit] Officers Serving as COMSUBLANT

The following is an incomplete list:

  • Rear Admiral John Wilkes, 1946-1947
  • Rear Admiral James Fife, Jr., 1947–1950
  • Rear Admiral Stuart S. "Sunshine" Murray, 1950-1952
  • Rear Admiral George C. "Turkey Neck" Crawford, 1952-1954
  • Rear Admiral Frank T. Watkins, 1953-1957
  • Rear Admiral Charles W. "Weary" Wilkins, March 1957-September 1957
  • Rear Admiral Frederick B. Warder, Semptember 1957-1960
  • Rear Admiral Lawrence R. "Dan" Daspit, January 1960-September 1960
  • Rear Admiral Elton W. "Joe" Grenfell, September 1960-1964 (also COMSUBPAC, 1964-1966)
  • Rear Admiral Vernon L. "Rebel" Lowrance, 1964-1966
  • Rear Admiral Arnold F. Schade, 1966-1970
  • Rear Admiral Eugene P. Wilkinson, 1970-1972
  • Rear Admiral Robert L.J. Long, 1972-

Wartime submarine skipper
Last WW2 submarine skipper in the job

[edit] See also

[edit] References