Collin de Plancy

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Jacques Auguste Simon Collin de Plancy (1793-1887) was a French occultist, demonologist and writer; he published several works on cultism and demonology. He was born in 1793 in Plancy-l'Abbaye and died in 1887. He was a free-thinker influenced by Voltaire. He worked as a printer and publisher in Plancy-l'Abbaye and Paris. Between 1830 and 1837, he resided in Brussels, and then returned to France after it returned to the Catholic religion.

Collin de Plancy followed the tradition of many previous demonologists of cataloguing demons by name and title of nobility, as it happened with grimoires like Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, and The Lesser Key of Solomon among others. In 1818 his best known work, Dictionnaire Infernal, was published. In 1863 were added some images that made it famous: imaginative drawings concerning the appearance of certain demons. In 1822 it was advertised as:

"Anecdotes of the nineteenth new century or historiettes, recent anecdotes, features and words little known, singular adventures, various quotations, bringings together and curious parts, to be used for the history of customs and the spirit of the century when we live compared with the last centuries."

It is considered a major work documenting beings, characters, books, deeds, and causes which pertain to the manifestations and magic of trafficking with Hell; divinations, occult sciences, grimoires, marvels, errors, prejudices, traditions, folktales, the various superstitions, and generally all manner of marvellous, surprising, mysterious, and supernatural beliefs.

By the end of 1830 he ostensibly became an enthusiastic Catholic -- to the confusion of his former admirers and detractors.

In 1846 you could purchase (for 16 francs for two volumes) the Dictionnaire Sciences Occultes et des Idée'es superstitieuses [1] which is another listing of demons.

Jacques Auguste Simon Collin de Plancy was the father of Victor Emile Marie Joseph Collin de Plancy (1853-1924) who for nearly a decade starting in 1884 served as French Minister to Korea and whose collected art works and books went on to comprise a core of the Korean collections of the French Bibliothèque Nationale and the Musée Guimet in Paris.

[edit] Bibliography

Original Name Translated Date Size/Other
Dictionnaire Infernal Infernal Dictionary 1818 582 pages
Dictionnaire féodal ou recherches et anecdotes sur les Dimes et les droits féodaux, les fiefs et les bénéfices, les privilèges etc. et sur tout ce qui tient à la Féodalité. Dictionnaire féodal or Research and anecdotes on the feudal Dimes and rights, the strongholds and the benefit, preferences etc and on all that is due to Feudality. 1819 -
Dictionnaire critique des reliques et des images miraculeuses Critical Dictionary of Relics and Miraculous Images 1821 3 books, 450, 470 and 416 pages
Traité des reliques de Jean Calvin Treaty of Jean Calvin's Relics 1822 -
Histoire du Manneken Pis racontée par lui-même History of Manneken told by Himself 1824 Lacrosse, Bruxelles
Biographie pittoresque des Jésuites ou Notices abrégées théologiques et historiques sur les jésuites célèbres A Picturesque Biography on the Jesuits or Theological and Historical Shortened Notes on the famous Jesuits 1826 110 pages
Fastes militaires des Belges Military Record of the Belgians 1835-1836 4 volumes
Légendes de l'histoire de France II Legends of French History II 1850 -
Godefroid de Bouillon, chroniques et légendes du temps des deux premières croisades, 1095-1180 Godefroid de Bouillon, chronicles and legends of the time of the first two crusades, 1095-1180 1842 479 pages
Légendes de la Sainte Vierge Legends of the Blessed Virgin 1845 392 pages
Légendes de l'Histoire de France Legends of French History 1846 386 pages
La chronique de Godefroid de Bouillon et du royaume de Jérusalem. Première et deuxième croisade (1080-1187) avec l'histoire de Charles-le-Bon... The chronicle of Godefroid de Bouillon and the kingdom of Jerusalem. First and second crusade (1080-1187) with the history of Charles-the-Good... 1848 -
La Reine Berthe au grand pied The Berthe Queen with the Large Foot 1854 274 pages
Légendes des commandements de l'Eglise Legends of the Church's Commandments 1860 396 pages
Légendes des sacrements Legends of the Sacraments 1860 396 pages
Légendes des femmes dans la vie réelle Legends Women in Real Life 1861 412 pages, Henri Plon, Paris
Légendes de l'ancien testament, recueillies des apocryphes, des rabins et des légendaires, distinguées avec soin des textes sacrés Legends of the old testament, collected apocryphal books, rabins and the legendary ones, distinguished carefully from the crowned texts 1861 396 pages
Légendes Infernales, relations et pactes des hôtes de l'enfer avec l'espèce humaine. Infernal legends, relations and pacts of the hosts of the hell with the mankind. 1861 -
Légendes de l'autre monde, pour servir à l'histoire du paradis, du purgatoire et de l'enfer, avec quelques esquisses de personnages peu soucieux de leur âme Legends of the other world, to be used for the history of the paradise, the purgatory and the hell, with some drafts of characters unconcerned with their soul 1862 396 pages
La Vie et les légendes intimes des deux empereurs Napoléon Ier et Napoléon II jusqu'à l'avénement de Napoléon III The Life and the legends intimate of the two emperors Napoleon Ist and Napoleon II until avénement of Napoleon III 1863 411 pages
Légendes du calendrier Legends of the Calendar 1863 396 pages
Légendes du juif errant et des seize reines de Munster Legends of the wandering Jew and the sixteen queens of Munster 1866 393 pages
Légendes des commandements de Dieu Legends of the Commandments of God 1864 396 pages
Légendes des sept péchés capitaux Legends of the Seven Deadly Sins 1864 396 pages
Légendes des douze convives du chanoine de Tours Legends of the twelve guests of the chanoine de Tours 1864 396 pages
Taxes des parties casuelles de la boutique du pape pour la remise, moyennant argent, de tous les crimes et pêchés - 1871 82 pages
La fin des temps, confirmée par des prophéties authentiques nouvellement recueillies End of time, confirmed by authentic prophecies lately collected 1871 211 pages
La vie du cure J. Meslier d'après Voltaire Life of the cure J. Meslier according to Voltaire 1871 -
Recherches sur l'alimentation des reptiles et des batraciens de France Research on the food of the reptiles and the batrachians of France 1876 -
Catalogue des reptiles et batraciens du département de l'Aube et étude sur la distribution géographique des reptiles et batraciens de l'est de la France Catalogue reptiles and batrachians of the department of the Paddle and study on the geographical distribution of the reptiles and batrachians of the east of France 1878 44 pages
Légendes des esprits et des démons qui circulent autour de nous Legends of the spirits and the demons which circulate around us - 396 pages
Le docteur Péperkouk Doctor Péperkouk - -
Légendes des origines Legends of Origins - 412 pages
Légendes des vertus théologales et des vertus cardinales Legends of the theological virtues and the cardinal virtues - 396 pages
Traditions populaires et anecdotes insolites : Légendes infernales Popular traditions and strange anecdotes: Infernal legends - -
Légendes du Moyen Âge Legends of the Middle Ages - 396 pages

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