Collège Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau

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Collège Pierre-Eliott-Trudeau
216 Redonda Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2C 1L6, Canada
School district River East Transcona School Division
Principal Estelle Lamoureux
Vice principal Ron Cadieux
School type Public French Immersion high school
Grades 9 - 12
Language French Immersion
Founded 1990

Collège Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau is part of River East Transcona School Division in Winnipeg, Manitoba. It opened its doors in September of 1990 with a population of 140 students and 14 teachers. By 2006, the school had grown to 330 students and a staff of 21 teachers. In 2006 Collège Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau was designated an UNESCO school. It was the first public building in Canada to be named after former Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau.

[edit] Courses

A variety of courses are offered; however, the choice is limited due to the demographics of the student population. Throughout the years both English and French courses are mandatory, as well as mathematics.

Grade Nine Courses

During grade nine students are required to following courses spread out over two semesters: French 10F and 11G, Language Arts 10F, Mathematics 10F and 11G, Science 10F, Social Studies 10G, Physical Education 10G, and another course of their choice:

  • Band 10G
  • Choir 10G
  • Vocal Jazz 10G
  • Jazz Band 10G
  • Career Exploration 21G
  • Computer Applications 20S

Grade Ten Courses

Throughout the grade ten year students are required to follow the required courses: French 20F, English 20F, at least one Mathematics 20S course (Consumer, Applied, or Pre-Calculus), Geography 20G, Science 20F, Physical Education 20G, plus a minimum of two courses of their choice:

  • Band 20G
  • Choir 20G
  • Vocal Jazz 20G
  • Jazz Band 20G
  • Leadership 21G
  • Career Exploration 21G
  • Computer Applications 20S
  • Computer Science 20S
  • A second or third math course

Grade Eleven Courses

Grade Eleven students are required to take the following courses throughout their academic year: French 30S, English 30S, at least one Mathematics 30S course (Consumer, Applied, or Pre-Calculus), History (30S or 30G), at least one Science 30S or 30G course (Biology 30G or 30S, Physics 30S, or Chemistry 30S) and at least one course of their choice:

  • Band 30S
  • Choir 30S
  • Vocal Jazz 30S
  • Jazz Band 30S
  • Leadership 31G
  • Career Exploration 31G
  • Computer Science 30S
  • Dramatic Arts 30S
  • Physical Education 31G
  • A second or third math course
  • A second or third science course

Grade Twelve Courses

Upon finishing their final year, grade twelve students are required to follow the required courses if they expect to graduate: French 40S, English Comprehensive 40S, at least one Mathematics 40S course (Consumer, Applied, or Pre-Calculus), and at least one course of their choice:

  • Biology 40S or 40G
  • Physics 40S
  • Chemistry 40S
  • Physical Education 41G
  • World Issues 40S
  • Band 40S
  • Choir 40S
  • Vocal Jazz 40S
  • Jazz Band 40S
  • Law 40S
  • Multi-Media 41G
  • Co-Operative Education 41G
  • ELA: Literary Focus 40S
  • ELA: Transactional Focus 40S
  • Calculus & Mathematics 45S
  • Community Service 41G

In both French and Mathematics students will be required to take a provincial exam at the end of the semester, and are required to pass the course in order to graduate.

A minimum of five credits must be met in order to be eligible to apply to universities.

[edit] External links

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