Colón, Querétaro

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Colón, Querétaro, Mexico
City Coat of Arms
Coat of Arms
Latitude 20.34° N
Longitude 99.56° W
Municipal president Leobardo Vázquez (PRI)
Surface 764.96 km²
Population (2005) 51,625
HDI (2000) 0.7036
Time zone (UTC) -6 UTC CST
GDP (per capita) (2000) US$3.319,00
Official website:

Colón is a municipality of the State of Querétaro. It is the only one in the country named after Christopher Columbus. It is home to the Sanctuary of Soriano, where rests the Virgin of Soriano, patroness of the Diocese of Querétaro.

In fact, Soriano and Tolimanejo were two different towns until Congress decided to unite them and form the new city of Colón.

The economy is centered mainly around poultry and cattle, as well as agriculture. However, this is expected to change radically, since the International Airport of Queretaro (located in part in the municipality) will attract large numbers of aeronautical companies to Colón. As well, tourism will be boosted by the opening of a theme park.

Municipalities of Querétaro
State of Querétaro Amealco de Bonfil • Pinal de Amoles • Arroyo Seco • Cadereyta de Montes • Colón • Corregidora • Ezequiel Montes • Huimilpan • Jalpan de Serra • Landa de Matamoros • El Marqués • Pedro Escobedo • Peñamiller • Querétaro • San Joaquín • San Juan del Río • Tequisquiapan • Tolimán
Coat of Arms of Querétaro