Codex Rehdigerianus

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on top words: oicis nos

Codex Rehdigerianus is a medieval manuscript written on parchment, which was held in the city library of Breslau.[1] The manuscript is attributed to Cassiodorus II of St. Elisabeth's Church, Breslau.[2]. The Codex was named after Thomas Rehdiger, an antiquary from Śląsko, who was the patron of Vulcanius.The manuscript was edited and published in 1913.

This codex is usually interpreted to have been written in the Gothic language, which is categorized in the group of Germanic Languages. However, the words "Oice nos..." and following sentences are very similar to The Lord's Prayer in Slavic languages.

[edit] Literature

  • L'Orose de Wrocław (Rehdigeranus 107). Sa composition et sa place dans la tradition manuscrite des Histoires d'Orose, Series: Bibliothecalia Wratislaviensia IV; ISBN: 83-229-1528-4, ISSN: 0524-4463; Publisher: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego; 1997
  • Rec. M.-P. Lindt, L’Orose de Wrocław (Rehdigerianus 107): sa composition et sa place dans la traduction manuscrite des „Histoires” d’Orose, Eos, 1996, s. 425-428
  • Codex Rehdigeranus: Die vier Evangelien nach der lateinischen Handschrift, R 169 der Stadtbibliothek Breslau. Vol. II by H. J. Vogels The Biblical World, Vol. 43, No. 1 (Jan., 1914), pp. 63-64

[edit] references

  1. ^ "PRZEGLĄD UNIWERSYTECKI Numer 7/8/2003"; now is lost. [1] (PDF)
  2. ^ MGH-Archiv A 47 [2]