Codehaus XFire

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Codehaus XFire is a Java framework for development and consumption of web services. Unlike similar products, such as Apache Axis 1.x, XFire uses StAX for XML processing, resulting in better performance.[citation needed] Apache Axis2 also uses StAX. Codehaus XFire is a java SOAP framework.

It provides support for:

  • All Web Service Standards - SOAP, WSDL, WS-I Basic Profile, WS-Addressing, WS-Security, etc.
  • Bindings POJOs, XMLBeans, JAXB 1.1, JAXB 2.0, and Castor support
  • Transports - HTTP, JMS, XMPP, In-JVM, etc.
  • Frameworks like Spring, Pico, Plexus, and Loom support.
  • Client and server stub generation
  • JAX-WS early access support

XFire is no longer in development and has been superseded by Apache CXF and the enterprise version, FUSE Services Framework.

[edit] Software Built on XFire

[edit] External links