
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Coalhada: a traditional Brazilian desert found mostly in Bahia, especially in rural areas.

A Capoeira nickname translating roughly to ‘one with white skin’ (or white boy).

  • 1970 Started living
  • 1973 Started playing piano
  • 1977 Started programming computers
  • 1985 Started playing bass guitar
  • 1989 Started playing double bass
  • 1990 Started aikido
  • 1991 Started making movies
  • 1992 Started writing screenplays
  • 1993 Started computer animating
  • 1994 Started playing guitar
  • 1995 Started yoga
  • 1999 Started Shaolin Kung Fu
  • 2000 Started roller-skate dancing
  • 2005 Started capoeira

All this starting and no stopping makes for a busy guy.

[edit] Travel

(in order
of 1st visit)
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US states

US states
not yet

Idea and layout stolen from User:White Cat via User:Guettarda via User:Sebastiankessel via User:Punkmorten