Coat of arms of the Moldavian SSR

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Coat of arms of the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic
Coat of arms of the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic

The coat of arms of the Moldavian SSR was adopted on February 10, 1941 by the government of the Moldavian SSR. The coat of arms is based on the coat of arms of the Soviet Union. It shows symbols of agriculture, an outer rim featuring wheat, corn, grapes, and clover. The rising sun stands for the future of the Moldavian nation, the red star as well as the hammer and sickle for the victory of communism and the "world-wide socialist community of states".

The slogan on the banner reads, "Proletarians of all countries, unite!" in both Russian and Moldavian (Пролетарь дин тоате цэриле, униць-вэ!; Romanian: Proletari din toate ţările, uniţi-vă!).

The acronym of the MSSR is shown only in Moldavian: РССМ for Република Советикэ Сочиалистэ Молдовеняскэ (Romanian: Republica Sovietică Socialistă Moldovenească).

The emblem was replaced on November 3, 1990 by the present coat of arms of Moldova.

[edit] See also