Coastland University

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Coastland University Crest
Coastland University Crest

Coastland University (also known as Coastland Christian Bible College and University) began holding classes in 1999. It is a non-denominational, co-educational institution located in Southern California.

According to the Founder, this Bible College was established to maintain the integrity and authority of Scripture in the academic environment.

Pastor Brett Peterson, Founder and President states:

"God has truly raised up this school to address the need in Christian Colleges that seems to have crept into the older seminaries and universities. The need is for a school that holds to the authority of scripture and the literal application of God's Word both for faith and practice. If you are looking to get a Christian education based on the Bible and is not willing to water down, compromise, or give in to secular philosophy and humanism, Coastland Christian Bible College and University could be the school for you. We are committed to providing academic excellence without compromising the need for discipleship and spiritual growth."

A Message from our President...

First, let me say that we truly believe ministry is not a future goal…it’s a daily call. It is our mission to educate and disciple individuals who are called into ministry or who want to study the Word of God in a way to not just understand, but apply the deep truths contained within. "My philosophy of Christian Education? Well, it is not based upon individualism without regard of others, intellectualism as an end in itself, technology as the apex of human achievement, humanistic ideals or evolutionary thought as reasons for existence (which degrades individuals to simple animals rather than beings created in the image of God). It is not modernism or even postmodernism - it is not relativism or humanism - and its agenda does not fit into the 'New World Order' apriori which many educators are basing their teaching on today. Christian Education is based upon sound Biblical truths and develops the whole person. It utilizes the three methods we all use to acquire knowledge and grow in wisdom and character - those being; our reason, our senses, and our beliefs or faith. Christian Education brings this trinity of discovery into sync and causes the student to be nurtured into maturity of faith built upon rational knowledge in an interactive and experiential environment. Ultimately, Christian Education is based on reverence for God which is the beginning of wisdom, loyalty to the standards of the Christian faith, and love for God and others. This naturally leads to a deeper understanding of spiritual laws and theological concepts as well as physical laws. Language, thought, mathematics, science, human dynamics, and even world history all point to a divine creator and absolute truth. My Philosophy of Christian Education can be summarized as a dynamic process that reconciles the students to God by helping them understand His creation, by the power of the Holy Spirit and the example of our Master and Teacher, Jesus Christ."

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