Co-operative Bulk Handling

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Co-operative Bulk Handling or Co-operative Bulk Group also commonly known as CBH is a Western Australian based cooperative company that stores, handle and markets grain. The company has 983 employees and has revenues in excess of $100 million per year.[1]

[edit] History

CBH was formed on April 4, 1933 [2] in order to create an efficient and cost-effective bulk handling system that would reduce costs for individual farmers. This was achieved when the trustees of the Wheat Board of Western Australia and Wesfarmers Ltd registered the company together with capital of 100,000 pounds divided evenly into 100,000 shares[3]. The cooperative was formed under the principle of one person, one vote regardless of the amount of grain supplied.

In 1999/2000 season CBH received a record amount of grain, 12,150,000 tonnes in all, made up of 11 different grain types.[4]

[edit] References