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Hello, I'm Tim Sireno AKA Cmdrwhitewolf.

Here's some notable bit's about me:

I'm hearing impaired due to being born with epidemic roseola rubeola [1] and the resulting Congenital rubella syndrome, has me suffering from Diabetes, Macular degeneration, Asthma, myopic astigmatism as well.

Though, I seem to have escaped it's other ill effects, thanks to one very brave Doctor at the Mayo Clinic whom, in an attempt to migate it's ill effects to me, gave my mother an experimental (to my knowledge) rubeola vaccine while she was pregnant.

I've also lived in Minnesota the better portion of my life, and attended SCSU where I double majored in Computer Science and Anthropology & Archaeology. That was where I volunteered and participated in a wide variety of activities, up to and including working in a archealogical dig located in the Talahi Middle terrace (in Talahi Park) across the Mississippi river from SCSU where I was lucky enough to discover a archaic point [2] whilst digging a test pit amongst the various toad trapping, mud moving, and Minnesota state bird [3] slapping activities there of.

Unfortunately, I had to cut my varied college activities very short when my mother became diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (AKA Lou Gehrig's Disease), but I still try remain active in Computer Sciences and Archaeology, whenever possible.

In that vain, I was a Sysop & Co-Sysop for several 612 Area Code BBS's including my own (named World Of Cendri on the WWIV & Gameling on the Wildcat! BBS platforms, respectively) during the late 70's and on up through the mid 90's. I was (and still am) a Systems Administrator for several companies, and a CNE.