Clyde Kruskal

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Clyde P. Kruskal (May 25, 1954 -) is an American computer scientist, working on parallel computing architectures, models, and algorithms. He got his A.B. degree in mathematics and computer science from Brandeis University, M.Sc. (1978) and Ph.D. (1981) from New York University under Jack Schwartz. Since then he has worked as assistant professor at University of Illinois (1981-85) and University of Maryland, College Park (1985-88), as associate professor (1988–). He has published extensively, becoming an ISI highly cited researcher. His father was the world-renowned mathematician Martin Kruskal.

[edit] Selected publications

  • Searching, Merging, and Sorting in Parallel Computation, IEEE Trans. Computers 32 942-946 (1983)
  • Kruskal and Marc Snir, The Performance of Multistage Interconnection Networks for Multiprocessors, IEEE Trans. Computers 32 1091-1098 (1983)
  • Kruskal, Larry Rudolph (computer scientist) and Snir, The Power of Parallel Prefix, IEEE Trans. Computers 34 965-968 (1985)
  • Kruskal and Alan Weiss (mathematician), Allocating Independent Subtasks on Parallel Processors, IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 11 1001-1016 (1985)
  • Kruskal and Snir, A Unified Theory of Interconnection Network Structure., Theor. Comput. Sci. 48 75-94 (1986)
  • Kruskal, Rudolph and Snir, Efficient Synchronization on Multiprocessors with Shared Memory. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 10 579-601 (1988)
  • Kruskal, Snir and Weiss, The Distribution of Waiting Times in Clocked Multistage Interconnection Networks., IEEE Trans. Computers 37 1337-1352 (1988)
  • Kruskal, Rudolph and Snir, Techniques for Parallel Manipulation of Sparse Matrices., Theor. Comput. Sci. 64 135-157 (1989)
  • Kruskal, Rudolph and Snir, A Complexity Theory of Efficient Parallel Algorithms., Theor. Comput. Sci. 71 95-132 (1990)
  • Kruskal and Snir, Cost-Performance Tradeoffs for Interconnection Networks, Discrete Applied Mathematics 37/38 359-385 (1992)