User:ClueBot II/ClueBot Script/Interpreter
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You will need the following files for this:
- cbs_interpreter.php (below)
- cluebot2.cbsfunctions.php (below)
- wikibot.classes.php (found here)
- cluebot2.config.php (below)
- (below)
Contents |
[edit] Usage
php cbs_interpreter.php
For example: php cbs_interpreter.php
[edit] CBS Functions
<?PHP $debug = true; function getarguments ($data,&$return,&$session,$conditionals = true,$delimiter = ' ') { $pos = 0; $depthp = 0; $depthb = 0; $quotes1 = 0; $quotes2 = 0; $tmp = ''; $chr = ''; $data = trim($data); $array = array(); while ($pos < strlen($data)) { $chr = $data{$pos}; if (($quotes1 == 1) and ($chr == '"')) { $quotes1 = 0; } elseif (($quotes2 == 1) and ($chr == "'")) { $quotes2 = 0; } elseif (($quotes1 == 0) and ($quotes2 == 0)) { if ($depthb == 0) { if ($chr == '(') $depthp++; if ($chr == ')') $depthp--; } if ($depthp == 0) { if ($chr == '{') $depthb++; if ($chr == '}') $depthb--; } if ($chr == '"') $quotes1 = 1; if ($chr == "'") $quotes2 = 1; if (($chr == $delimiter) and ($depthp == 0) and ($depthb == 0)) { $array[] = $tmp; $tmp = ''; $pos++; continue; } } $tmp .= $chr; $pos++; } $array[] = $tmp; foreach ($array as $arg) { if ($arg{0} == '%') { $return[] = &$session['vars'][substr($arg,1)]; } elseif ($arg{0} == '{') { $return[] = $arg; } elseif (($conditionals == false) and ($arg{0} == '(')) { $return[] = $arg; } else { $return[] = evalconditional($arg,&$session); } } } function evalfunction ($function,&$session) { if (preg_match('/^\$([^(]+)\((.*)\)$/',trim($function),$m)) { $func = strtolower($m[1]); $args = array(); getarguments($m[2],&$args,&$session,true,','); switch ($func) { case '+': case 'cat': $ret = ''; foreach ($args as $arg) { $ret .= $arg; } return $ret; break; case 'mid': case 'substr': if (count($args) == 2) { return substr($args[0],$args[1]); } elseif (count($args) == 3) { return substr($args[0],$args[1],$args[2]); } break; case 'gettok': if (count($args) >= 3) { if (count($args) == 4) { $x = explode($args[1],$args[0],$args[3]); } elseif (count($args) == 3) { $x = explode($args[1],$args[0]); } if ($args[2] == 0) { return count($x); } else { return $x[$args[2] - 1]; } } break; case 'settok': if (count($args) == 4) { $x = explode($args[1],$args[0]); $x[$args[2] - 1] = $args[3]; return implode($args[1],$x); } break; case 'addtok': if (count($args) == 3) { $x = explode($args[1],$args[0]); $x[] = $args[2]; return implode($args[1],$x); } break; case 'deltok': if (count($args) == 3) { $x = explode($args[1],$args[0]); unset($x[$args[2] - 1]); return implode($args[1],$x); } break; case 'strpos': if (count($args) == 2) { return ((($x = strpos($args[0],$args[1])) === false)?-1:$x); } elseif (count($args) == 3) { return ((($x = strpos($args[0],$args[1],$args[2])) === false)?-1:$x); } break; case 'stripos': if (count($args) == 2) { return ((($x = stripos($args[0],$args[1])) === false)?-1:$x); } elseif (count($args) == 3) { return ((($x = stripos($args[0],$args[1],$args[2])) === false)?-1:$x); } break; case 'replace': if ((count($args) % 2) == 1) { $search = array(); $replace = array(); $data = $args[0]; for ($i=1;$i<count($args);$i+=2) { $search[] = $args[$i]; $replace[] = $args[$i + 1]; } return str_replace($search,$replace,$data); } break; case 'pregreplace': if (count($args) == 3) { return preg_replace($args[1],$args[2],$args[0]); } break; case 'time': return time(); break; } } } function evalconditional ($conditional,&$session) { global $debug; if ($debug) echo 'evalconditional("'.$conditional.'",'.serialize($session).');'."\n"; $pos = 0; $depth = 0; $part = 1; $quotes1 = 0; $quotes2 = 0; $c1 = ''; $op = ''; $c2 = ''; while ($pos < strlen($conditional)) { $chr = $conditional{$pos}; $chr2 = $conditional{$pos+1}; $chr3 = $conditional{$pos+2}; if (($quotes1 == 1) and ($chr == '"')) { $quotes1 = 0; } elseif (($quotes2 == 1) and ($chr == "'")) { $quotes2 = 0; } elseif (($quotes1 == 0) and ($quotes2 == 0)) { if ($chr == '(') $depth++; if ($chr == ')') $depth--; if ($chr == '"') $quotes1 = 1; if ($chr == "'") $quotes2 = 1; } if (($depth == 0) and (preg_match('/^(\<=|\>=|\<|\>|==|or|\|\||and|&&|!=|\+|\-| \% |\^|\=|\||\&)/i',$chr.$chr2.$chr3,$m)) and ($quotes1 == 0) and ($quotes2 == 0)) { $op = $m[1]; $part = 2; $pos += (strlen($op) - 1); } elseif ($part == 1) { $c1 .= $chr; } elseif ($part == 2) { $c2 .= $chr; } $pos++; } $c1 = trim($c1); $op = trim($op); $c2 = trim($c2); if (substr($c1,0,1) == '%') { $d1 = '$e1'; $e1 = &$session['vars'][substr($c1,1)]; } elseif (substr($c1,0,1) == '$') { $d1 = 'evalfunction($c1,&$session)'; } elseif ((substr($c1,0,1) == '(') and (substr($c1,-1,1) == ')')) { $d1 = 'evalconditional($e1,&$session)'; $e1 = substr($c1,1,-1); } elseif (((substr($c1,0,1) == '"') and (substr($c1,-1,1) == '"')) or ((substr($c1,0,1) == "'") and (substr($c1,-1,1) == "'"))) { $d1 = '$e1'; if (substr($c1,0,1) == '"') { $c1 = str_replace(array('\n', '\r'),array("\n", "\r"),$c1); } $e1 = substr($c1,1,-1); } elseif (preg_match('/^[0-9+-]*$/',$c1)) { $d1 = $c1; } else { $d1 = 'false'; } if (($op) and ($c2)) { if (substr($c2,0,1) == '%') { $d2 = '$e2'; $e2 = &$session['vars'][substr($c2,1)]; } elseif (substr($c2,0,1) == '$') { $d2 = 'evalfunction($c2,&$session)'; } elseif ((substr($c2,0,1) == '(') and (substr($c2,-1,1) == ')')) { $d2 = 'evalconditional($e2,&$session)'; $e2 = substr($c2,1,-1); } elseif (((substr($c2,0,1) == '"') and (substr($c2,-1,1) == '"')) or ((substr($c2,0,1) == "'") and (substr($c2,-1,1) == "'"))) { $d2 = '$e2'; if (substr($c2,0,1) == '"') { $c2 = str_replace(array('\n', '\r'),array("\n", "\r"),$c2); } $e2 = substr($c2,1,-1); } elseif (preg_match('/^[0-9+-]*$/',$c2)) { $d2 = $c2; } else { $d2 = 'false'; } if ($debug) echo 'eval(\'$ret = ('.$d1.' '.$op.' '.$d2.');\');'."\n"; eval('$ret = ('.$d1.' '.$op.' '.$d2.');'); } else { if ($debug) echo 'eval(\'$ret = '.$d1.';\');'."\n"; eval('$ret = '.$d1.';'); } return $ret; } function evalstatement ($statement,&$session) { global $wpq; global $wpapi; global $wpi; global $debug; if ($debug) echo 'evalstatement("'.$statement.'",'.serialize($session).');'."\n"; $statements = array ( 'if', 'set', 'unset', 'while', 'foreach', 'pagereplace', 'pageappend', 'pagepregreplace', 'pageget', 'pageset', 'pageprepend', 'varappend', 'varprepend', 'getrecentchanges', 'getcategorymembers', 'eval', 'getmodifiedtime', 'getbacklinks', 'getembeddedin' ); foreach ($statements as $s) { if (strtolower(substr($statement,0,strlen($s))) == $s) { $rest = substr($statement,strlen($s)); switch ($s) { case 'while': case 'if': $tmp = array(); getarguments($rest,&$tmp,&$session,false); // print_r($tmp); if ($s == 'if') { if (evalconditional($tmp[0],&$session)) { evalscript($tmp[1],&$session); } } elseif ($s == 'while') { while (evalconditional($tmp[0],&$session)) { evalscript($tmp[1],&$session); } } break; case 'set': $tmp = array(); getarguments($rest,&$tmp,&$session); $tmp[0] = $tmp[1]; break; case 'unset': $rest = trim($rest); if ($rest{0} == '%') { unset($session['vars'][substr($rest,1)]); } break; case 'pagereplace': case 'pagepregreplace': $tmp = array(); getarguments($rest,&$tmp,&$session); $page = $tmp[0]; $search = $tmp[1]; $replace = $tmp[2]; if (isset($tmp[3])) { $editsummary = $tmp[3]; } else { $editsummary = 'Replacing "'.$search.'" with "'.$replace.'". (bot)'; } if ($s == 'pagereplace') { $wpi->post($page,str_replace($search,$replace,$wpq->getpage($page)),$editsummary); } elseif ($s == 'pagepregreplace') { $wpi->post($page,preg_replace($search,$replace,$wpq->getpage($page)),$editsummary); } break; case 'pageappend': case 'pageprepend': case 'pageset': $tmp = array(); getarguments($rest,&$tmp,&$session); $page = $tmp[0]; $data = $tmp[1]; if (isset($tmp[2])) { $editsummary = $tmp[2]; } else { if ($s == 'pageappend') { $editsummary = 'Appending "'.((strlen($data) > 150)?substr($data,0,150).'...':$data).'". (bot)'; } elseif ($s == 'pageset') { $editsummary = 'Setting page to "'.((strlen($data) > 100)?substr($data,0,100).'...':$data).'". (bot)'; } } if ($s == 'pageappend') { $data = $wpq->getpage($page).$data; } elseif ($s == 'pageprepend') { $data = $data.$wpq->getpage($page); } $wpi->post($page,$data,$editsummary); break; case 'pageget': $tmp = array(); getarguments($rest,&$tmp,&$session); $page = $tmp[0]; $tmp[1] = $wpq->getpage($page); break; case 'varappend': case 'varprepend': $tmp = array(); getarguments($rest,&$tmp,&$session); if ($s == 'varprepend') { $tmp[0] = $tmp[1].$tmp[0]; } elseif ($s == 'varappend') { $tmp[0] .= $tmp[1]; } break; case 'foreach': $tmp = array(); getarguments($rest,&$tmp,&$session); foreach (explode($tmp[1],$tmp[0]) as $tmp[2]) { evalscript(trim($tmp[3]),&$session); } break; case 'getrecentchanges': $tmp = array(); getarguments($rest,&$tmp,&$session); if (count($tmp) == 2) { $x = $wpapi->recentchanges(); } elseif (count($tmp) == 3) { $x = $wpapi->recentchanges($tmp[2]); } $z = array(); foreach ($x as $y) { $z[] = $y['title']; } $tmp[0] = implode($tmp[1],$z); break; case 'getcategorymembers': $tmp = array(); getarguments($rest,&$tmp,&$session); if (count($tmp) == 3) { $x = $wpapi->categorymembers($tmp[2]); } elseif (count($tmp) == 4) { $x = $wpapi->categorymembers($tmp[2],$tmp[3]); } elseif (count($tmp) == 5) { $x = $wpapi->categorymembers($tmp[2],$tmp[3],$tmp[4]); } $z = array(); foreach ($x as $y) { $z[] = $y['title']; } $tmp[0] = implode($tmp[1],$z); break; case 'getbacklinks': $tmp = array(); getarguments($rest,&$tmp,&$session); if (count($tmp) == 3) { $x = $wpapi->backlinks($tmp[2]); } elseif (count($tmp) == 4) { $x = $wpapi->backlinks($tmp[2],$tmp[3]); } elseif (count($tmp) == 5) { $x = $wpapi->backlinks($tmp[2],$tmp[3],$tmp[4]); } $z = array(); foreach ($x as $y) { $z[] = $y['title']; } $tmp[0] = implode($tmp[1],$z); break; case 'getembeddedin': $tmp = array(); getarguments($rest,&$tmp,&$session); if (count($tmp) == 3) { $x = $wpapi->embeddedin($tmp[2]); } elseif (count($tmp) == 4) { $x = $wpapi->embeddedin($tmp[2],$tmp[3]); } elseif (count($tmp) == 5) { $x = $wpapi->embeddedin($tmp[2],$tmp[3],$tmp[4]); } $z = array(); foreach ($x as $y) { $z[] = $y['title']; } $tmp[0] = implode($tmp[1],$z); break; case 'getmodifiedtime': $tmp = array(); getarguments($rest,&$tmp,&$session); if (count($tmp) == 2) { $x = $wpapi->revisions($tmp[1]); if (preg_match('/(\d+)\-(\d+)\-(\d+)T(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/',$x[0]['timestamp'],$m)) { $tmp[0] = gmmktime($m[4],$m[5],$m[6],$m[2],$m[3],$m[1]); } } break; case 'eval': $tmp = array(); getarguments($rest,&$tmp,&$session); evalscript($tmp[0],&$session); break; } break; } } } function evalscript ($script,&$session = array()) { /* Ok, we need to evaluate a ClueBot Script. */ global $debug; if ($debug) echo 'evalscript("'.$script.'",'.serialize($session).');'."\n"; $pos = 0; $quotes1 = 0; $quotes2 = 0; $depth = 0; $script = trim($script); $tmp = ''; if ((substr($script,0,1) == '{') and (substr($script,-1,1) == '}')) { $script = trim(substr($script,1,-1)); } while ($pos < strlen($script)) { if (($quotes1 == 1) and ($script{$pos} == '"')) $quotes1 = 0; elseif (($quotes2 == 1) and ($script{$pos} == "'")) $quotes2 = 0; elseif (($quotes1 == 0) and ($quotes2 == 0)) { if ($script{$pos} == '"') $quotes1 = 1; if ($script{$pos} == "'") $quotes2 = 1; if ($script{$pos} == '{') $depth++; if ($script{$pos} == '}') $depth--; if ((($script{$pos} == ';') or ($script{$pos} == '}')) and ($depth == 0)) { if ($script{$pos} == '}') $tmp .= $script{$pos}; evalstatement(trim($tmp),&$session); $tmp = ''; $pos++; continue; } } $tmp .= $script{$pos}; $pos++; } } ?>
[edit] Interpreter
<?PHP include 'cluebot2.cbsfunctions.php'; include 'wikibot.classes.php'; include 'cluebot2.config.php'; $wpq = new wikipediaquery; $wpi = new wikipediaindex; $wpapi = new wikipediaapi; $wpapi->login($user,$pass); $debug = false; $session = array(); evalscript(file_get_contents($_SERVER['argv'][1]),&$session); /* Comment the following lines out if you don't want debugging */ if (is_array($session['vars'])) { foreach ($session['vars'] as $var => $value) { echo '%'.$var.' = '.$value."\n"; } } ?>
[edit] Config
<?PHP $owner = '';/* Put your username between the two single quotes. */ $user = ''; /* Put your bot's username between the two single quotes. */ $pass = ''; /* Put your bot's password between the two single quotes. */ $status = 'rw'; $maxlag = 2; /* Max lag */ $maxlagkeepgoing = true; /* If we get a maxlag error, keep going */ ?>
[edit] Example
pageappend "Wikipedia:Sandbox" "\n\nThis is a test.\n";