Climping sand dunes
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Vegetation such as marram and sea grass is essential for dunes to work. Dogs off leads can easily run around the dunes, and destroy the vegetation. Horses being ridden over the dunes will have a similar effect. The Climping dunes are an SSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest). In 2006, the total number of full species at Climping Gap stood at 256. It supports important populations of wintering birds and the numbers of wintering sanderling, in particular, are of European significance. Vegetated shingle beaches are a nationally uncommon habitat. The beach at Climping is broad in the west but narrows to the east. Plant communities include yellow horned poppy, sea dale, sea beet, curled dock and sea holly. As mentioned before, the stabilised parts of the dunes are dominated by marram grass. However, other grasses that grow there include dune fescue grass, Red Fescue, sand catchfly, and viper’s bugloss and Nottingham catchfly.