Cliffy Island Lighthouse

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Cliffy Island Lighthouse
Location: Australia
WGS-84 (GPS)
38°57.2′S, 146°42.4′E
Construction: 1884
Height: 12 Metres
Elevation: 52 Metres
Intensity: 15,300 Candelas
Range: 18 Nautical Mile

Cliffy Island Lighthouse was constructed in 1884 from local granite from Cliffy Island. The lighthouse warns ships of the rocks in treacherous Bass Strait.

[edit] History

[edit] Adjacent Lighthouses

[edit] External links

  • Parks Victoria - Parks Victoria is the custodian of a diverse estate of significant parks in Victoria
  • Lighthouses of Australia - Lighthouses of Australia Inc. is a non-profit organisation which aims to create a higher profile for Australian lighthouses within Australia and overseas and thereby preserve, protect and promote their place within our history.
  • Lighthouses Australia