Clifford Mayes

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Clifford Mayes (born July 15, 1953) is a professor in the Brigham Young University McKay School of Education.

He is a neo-Jungian scholar and has produced the first book-length studies in English on the pedagogical applications of Jungian and neo-Jungian psychology, which is based on the work of Carl Gustav Jung (1875 - 1961). Jungian psychology is also called analytical psychology.

Mayes has developed what he has termed archetypal pedagogy, which bears some similarities to the pedagogical approach proposed by the French psychologist Frederic Fappani, also a Jungian. Mayes' two most recent works, Inside Education: Depth Psychology in Teaching and Learning (2007) and The Archetypal Hero's Journey in Teaching and Learning: A Study in Jungian Pedagogy, (2008) incorporate the psychoanalytic theories of Heinz Kohut (particularly Kohut's notion of the selfobject) and the object relations theory of Ronald Fairbairn and D.W. Winnicott.

Some of Mayes' work in curriculum theory , especially Seven Curricular Landscapes: An Approach to the Holistic Curriculum (2003) and Understanding the Whole Student: Holistic Multicultural Education (2007), is concerned with Holistic Education. The latter text is one of the first to extend the holistic approach into the area of multicultural education.

Mayes holds a doctorate in the cultural foundations of education from the University of Utah (1997). He also has a doctorate in psychology from Southern California University for Professional Studies (2001).

[edit] Books and Selected Articles

  • Mayes, C. (1999). Reflecting on the Archetypes of Teaching. Teaching Education, 10(2), 3-16.
  • Mayes, C. (2002). The Teacher as an Archetype of Spirit. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 34(6),699-718.
  • Clifford Mayes, Seven Curricular Landscapes: An Approach to the Holistic Curriculum. University Press of America, 2003
  • Mayes, C. (2003). Alchemy and the Teacher. The Teacher Education Quarterly, 30(3), 81-98.
  • Clifford Mayes, Teaching Mysteries: Foundations of Spiritual Pedagogy. University Press of America, 2004
  • Clifford Mayes, Jung and Education: Elements of an Archetypal Pedagogy. Rowman & Littlefield, 2005
  • Mayes, C., and Blackwell Mayes, P. (2005) Jung, Mormonism, and the Dialectics of Exaltation. Psychological Perspectives: A Semiannual Journal of Jungian Thought. C.G. Institute of Los Angeles, 48, 84-107
  • Clifford Mayes, Ramona Maile Cutri, Clint Rogers, Fidel Montero, Understanding the Whole Student: Holistic Multicultural Education. Rowman & Littlefield, 2007
  • Clifford Mayes, Inside Education: Depth Psychology in Teaching and Learning. Atwood Publishing: 2007
  • Hippolyte-Wright, D., and Mayes, C. (2007). Archetype, gender and culture: A Maori Psychotherapist Reflects on Her Academic Career. In H. Vakalahi, S. Starks, and C. Hendricks (Eds.). Women of Color as Social Work Educators: strengths and survival. The Council on Social Work Education: Washington, D.C.
  • Mayes, C. (In press). The Psychoanalysts’ View of Teaching and Learning: 1922-2002. The Journal of Curriculum Studies.
  • Clifford Mayes, The Archetypal Hero's Journey in Teaching and Learning: A Study in Jungian Pedagogy. Atwood Publishing: In press (Winter, 2008)