Category talk:Climbers

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Most people in this Category, and its sub Cats other than Category:Mountain climbers, are there by mistake. For most purposes, the distinction between "climber" and "mountain climber" is not important, but WP makes clear that some significant forms of climbing are not cases of mountain climbing. Presumably most climbers do some mountain climbing, and probably it is even rarer for someone to be notable as a climber without being more notable as a mountain climber.

This is the sort of problem we should expect in the early phase of Cat assignment; no point in being upset about it. I added a description to the Cat, which may help. And i'm recat-ing some egregious examples, tho i don't have the persistence to truly clean it up, nor the saavy to recognize any cases that should be left as they are.

--Jerzy(t) 16:39, 2004 Nov 30 (UTC)

I see no particular reason to try to subcategorize here; nearly all climbers notable enough to have WP articles qualify under all of "mountain climbers", "rock climbers", and "ice climbers"; one does rock in the summer and ice in the winter, and mountains when one is feeling energetic. :-) We have plenty of micro-categories already, let's not add more by making artificial distinctions. Stan 02:19, 1 Dec 2004 (UTC)
That blurb on this page is the most tortured I have seen in any such case. It just isn't realistic to expect people to follow this and even to add an explanation of their decision on each talk page. I should think that the most likely outcome of anyone taking this seriously is that they won't bother to do any categorisation at all for fear of criticism, and it would be much better to let people get on with it and deal with any reallocations later. Anyway, is it possible to be notable for flat-land free climbing? Philip 01:33, 13 Feb 2005 (UTC)