Library of Congress Classification:Class K -- Law

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Class K: Law is a classification used by the Library of Congress Classification system. This page outlines the sub-classes of Class K.

K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence

KB-KBX - Religious law
KB - General and comparative religious law
KBM - Jewish law. Halakhah
KBP - Islamic law. Sharia
KBR - History of canon law (Christian) to late 19th cent.
KBS - Canon law of the Eastern Christian churches (This schedule is currently under development)
KBU - Canon law of the Roman Catholic Church
KBX - Canon law of Protestant churches (This schedule is currently under development)
KD-KDK - British Isles
KD - United Kingdom. England. Wales
KDC - Scotland
KDE - Northern Ireland
KDG - Isle of Man. Channel Islands
KDK - Ireland
KDZ - Western hemisphere (general & comparative). North America (general & comparative). Bermuda. Greenland. St. Pierre et Miquelon
KE-KEZ - Canada
KE - Canada (general)
KEA - Alberta
KEB - British Columbia
KEM - Manitoba
KEN - New Brunswick. Newfoundland. Northwest Territories. Nova Scotia. Nunavut
KEO - Ontario
KEP - Prince Edward Island
KEQ - Québec
KES - Saskatchewan
KEY - Yukon Territory
KEZ - Cities, towns, etc.
KF-KFZ - United States
KF - United States (general)
KFA-KFW - individual states
KFX - Cities, towns, etc.
KFZ - Extinct jurisdictions. Confederate States of America
KG-KHW - Latin America & Caribbean
KG - Latin America (general & comparative). Central America & Caribbean (general & comparative)
KGA - Belize
KGB - Costa Rica
KGC - El Salvador
KGD - Guatemala
KGE - Honduras
KGF - Mexico
KGG - Nicaragua
KGH - Panama
KGJ - West Indies & Caribbean area (general & comparative). Anguilla
KGK - Antigua & Barbuda. Aruba
KGL - Bahamas. Barbados. British Leeward Islands, Virgin Islands, West Indies, Windward Islands
KGM - Cayman Islands
KGN - Cuba
KGP - Curaçao. Dominica
KGQ - Dominican Republic.
KGR - Dutch Leeward Islands, West Indies, Windward Islands. French West Indies, Grenada, Guadeloupe
KGS - Haiti
KGT - Jamaica. Martinique. Montserrat
KGU - Navassa islands
KGV - Puerto Rico
KGW - Saba. St Kitts, Nevis & Anguilla. St. Lucia. St. Vincent & the Grenadines. St. Eustatius. St. Maarten
KGX - Trinidad & Tobago
KGY - Turks & Caicos Islands
KH - South America (general & comparative)
KHA - Argentina
KHC - Bolivia
KHD - Brazil
KHF - Chile
KHH - Colombia
KHK - Ecuador
KHL - Falkland Islands
KHM - French Guiana
KHN - Guyana
KHP - Paraguay
KHQ - Peru
KHR - South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
KHS - Suriname
KHU - Uruguay
KHW - Venezuela
KIA-KIX - Law of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. (These schedules are currently under development)
KJ-KKZ - Europe
KJ - History of law in Europe. Law of ancient European tribes (Celts, etc.)
KJA - Roman law. Byzantine law
KJC - Regional and comparative law
KJE - Regional organization and integration. European Union
KJG - Albania
KJH - Andorra
KJJ - Austria
KJK - Belgium. Bosnia & Hercegovina (1992-; cf. KKZ)
KJM - Bulgaria. Croatia (1992-; cf. KKZ)
KJN - Cyprus
KJP - Czechoslovakia. Czech Republic (1993-)
KJQ - Slovakia (1993-)
KJR - Denmark
KJS - Estonia
KJT - Finland
KJV - France (general)
KJW - France (regions, provinces, departments, etc.; cities, towns, etc.)
KK - Germany. West Germany
KKA - East Germany
KKB - German states and provinces (A-Pr)
KKC - German states and provinces (Ps-Z)
KKE - Greece
KKF - Hungary
KKG - Iceland
KKH - Italy
KKI - Latvia
KKJ - Liechtenstein. Lithuania
KKK - Luxembourg. Macedonia (1992-; cf. KKZ). Malta
KKL - Monaco
KKM - Netherlands
KKN - Norway
KKP - Poland
KKQ - Portugal
KKR - Romania
KKS - San Marino. Serbia & Montenegro (2003-; cf. KKZ). Slovenia (1992-)
KKT - Spain
KKV - Sweden
KKW - Switzerland
KKX - Turkey
KKY - Ukraine (post-Soviet, 1991-; cf. KLP)
KKZ - Yugoslavia
KL-KPW - Asia and Eurasia
KL - History of law in the ancient Middle East (Egyptian, Babylonian, Assyrian, etc.). Eurasia (general & comparative)
KLA - Russia (pre-Soviet). Soviet Union (general). Commonwealth of Independent States
KLB - Russia (Federation, 1992-; cf. KLA, KLN)
KLD - Armenia (to 1991; cf. KMF)
KLE - Azerbaijan
KLF - Belarus
KLH - Georgia
KLM - Moldova
KLN - Russia (as a Soviet Republic; cf. KLA, KLB)
KLP - Ukraine (as a Soviet Republic; cf. KKY). Transcaucasian Federation
KLQ - Bukharskaia N.S.R.
KLR - Kazakhstan. Khorezmskaia S.S.R.
KLS - Kyrgyzstan
KLT - Tajikistan
KLV - Turkmenistan
KLW - Uzbekistan
KM - Asia (general & comparative)
KMC - Middle East. Southwest Asia (regional comparative and uniform law)
KME - Middle East. Southwest Asia (regional organization and integration)
KMF - Armenia (1991-; cf. KLD). Bahrain
KMG - Gaza (cf. KMM)
KMH - Iran
KMJ - Iraq
KMK - Israel
KML - Jerusalem
KMM - Jordan. West Bank. Palestinian National Authority
KMN - Kuwait
KMP - Lebanon
KMQ - Oman. Palestine (to 1948)
KMS - Qatar
KMT - Saudi Arabia
KMU - Syria
KMV - United Arab Emirates
KMX - Yemen.
KMY - Yemen, South (to 1990)
KNC - South Asia. Southeast Asia. East Asia (regional comparative and uniform law)
KNE - South Asia. Southeast Asia. East Asia (regional organization and integration)
KNF - Afghanistan
KNG - Bangladesh
KNH - Bhutan
KNK - Brunei
KNL - Burma
KNM - Cambodia
KNN - China (to 1949)
KNP - Taiwan (1949-)
KNQ - China (People's Republic, 1949-)
KNR - Hong Kong (to 1997)
KNS - India (general)
KNT - India (States and union territories, A-L)
KNU - India (States and union territories, M-Z; cities, towns, etc.)
KNV - French Indochina (to 1946)
KNW - Indonesia. East Timor
KNX - Japan (general & prefectures)
KNY - Japan (cities, towns, etc.)
KPA - Korea. South Korea
KPC - North Korea
KPE - Laos
KPF - Macau (to 1999)
KPG - Malaysia
KPH - Malaysia (cont.). Maldives
KPJ - Mongolia
KPK - Nepal
KPL - Pakistan
KPM - Philippines
KPP - Singapore
KPS - Sri Lanka
KPT - Thailand
KPV - Vietnam (to 1945). North Vietnam (1945-1975). Vietnam (1975-)
KPW - South Vietnam
KQ-KTZ - Africa
KQ - History of law in Africa. Extinct jurisdictions. Customary law
KQC - Regional comparative and uniform law
KQE - Regional organization and integration
KQG - Algeria
KQH - Angola
KQJ - Benin
KQK - Botswana
KQM - British Central Africa Protectorate
KQP - British Somaliland (to 1960)
KQT - Burkina Faso
KQV - Burundi
KQW - Cameroon
KQX - Cape Verde
KRB - Central African Republic
KRC - Chad
KRE - Comoros
KRG - Congo (Brazzaville)
KRK - Djibouti
KRL - East Africa Protectorate
KRM - Egypt (United Arab Republic) (cf. KL)
KRN - Eritrea
KRP - Ethiopia
KRR - French Equatorial Africa
KRS - French West Africa
KRU - Gabon
KRV - Gambia
KRW - German East Africa
KRX - Ghana
KRY - Gibraltar
KSA - Guinea
KSC - Guinea-Bissau
KSE - Equatorial Guinea. Ifni
KSG - Italian East Africa. Italian Somaliland
KSH - Côte d'Ivoire
KSK - Kenya
KSL - Lesotho
KSN - Liberia
KSP - Libya
KSR - Madagascar
KSS - Malawi
KST - Mali
KSU - Mauritania
KSV - Mauritius. Mayotte
KSW - Morocco
KSX - Mozambique
KSY - Namibia
KSZ - Niger
KTA - Nigeria
KTC - Réunion
KTD - Rwanda
KTE - Saint Helena
KTF - Sao Tome and Principe
KTG - Senegal
KTH - Seychelles
KTJ - Sierra Leone
KTK - Somalia
KTL - South Africa
KTN - Spanish West Africa. Spanish Sahara
KTQ - Sudan
KTR - Swaziland
KTT - Tanzania
KTU - Togo
KTV - Tunisia
KTW - Uganda
KTX - Congo (Democratic Republic). Zaire
KTY - Zambia. Zanzibar
KTZ - Zimbabwe
KU-KWW - Pacific area
KU - Australia (general)
KUA - Australian Capital Territory
KUB - Northern Territory
KUC - New South Wales
KUD - Queensland
KUE - South Australia
KUF - Tasmania
KUG - Victoria
KUH - Western Australia
KUN - Norfolk Island. Cities, towns, etc.
KUQ - New Zealand
KVB - Regional comparative and uniform law: Australia and New Zealand
KVC - Regional comparative and uniform law: Other Pacific area jurisdictions
KVE - Regional comparative and uniform law: Regional organization and integration
KVH - American Samoa. British New Guinea
KVL - Cook Islands
KVM - Easter Island
KVN - Fiji
KVP - French Polynesia. German New Guinea
KVQ - Guam
KVR - Kiribati
KVS - Marshall Islands. Micronesia. Midway Islands
KVU - Nauru. Netherlands New Guinea
KVW - New Caledonia
KWA - Niue
KWC - Northern Mariana Islands
KWE - Pacific Islands Trust Territory
KWG - Palau
KWH - Papua New Guinea
KWL - Pitcairn Island. Solomon Islands
KWP - Tonga
KWQ - Tuvalu
KWR - Vanuatu
KWT - Wake Island. Wallis and Futuna Islands
KWW - Samoa. Western Samoa
KWX - Antarctica
KZ - Law of Nations. International law
KZA - Law of the sea
KZD - Space law. Law of outer space