Claire Lyons

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Claire Lyons is a fictional character in the The Clique series of novels by Lisi Harrison. She will be portrayed by Ellen Marlow in the upcoming film of the same name, which is currently in production.

[edit] About

Claire Stacy Lyons is from a middle class family from Orlando, Florida. Her father, Jay, is an old college friend of Massie Block's father. The Lyons family moves into the stone guesthouse onto the sprawling Block estate, much to Massie's disdain.

She is not a member of TPC (the Pretty Committee) until the third book. The other members of the Pretty Committee, and her closest friends in Westchester, are Massie, Alicia Rivera, Dylan Marvil, and Kristen Gregory. She is also friends with non-pretty committee members, like Layne Abeley. When she first moved to Westchester in the first book, the Pretty Committee tried (and succeeded) in making her life miserable, but she is eventually accepted. She is the main protagonist of the series, along with Massie and sometimes Alicia.

Throughout the series, she's always felt the need to impress the girls, and feels as if she always has something to prove. Claire is the same grade as Massie and the rest of the Pretty Committee. Claire is very kind (except to her younger brother, Todd). However, she may have a trick up her sleeve once in a while, but she doesn't like doing bad things without a very good reason.

[edit] Physical Appearance and Fashion Sense

Claire, like Kristen Gregory, is somewhat small, flat-chested, bright blue eyes, and is five foot three. With her wispy blonde bangs, Keds, and Gap wardrobe, Massie and the others don't think much of her. She has a simple, casual dress sense, and usually wears sneakers. Due to this, she has to put up with constant teasing from the other girls in The Pretty Committee. Her bangs were short in the first book, but then she began to grow them out until the fifth book, when Layne ruins them. Massie's hairdresser Jakkob fixes them, so they are now super short. In It's Not Easy Being Mean it is stated she has white-blonde hair. She likes it when Massie lets her raid her closet. In Dial L for Loser she gets Comp Boxes from designers, but agrees to share with her friends.

[edit] Love Life

In the second book, Best Friends for Never, Claire develops a crush on Cam Fisher (Massie's crush) at Massie's boy-girl Halloween party. In the third book, Revenge of the Wannabes, Cam tells Alicia that he likes Claire, and tells her to talk to her for him while he talks to his older brother Harris about Alicia. Alicia also finds out that Massie likes Cam, and can't wait to spread the word (Massie likes Cam but he likes Claire). In the end, Massie decides to let Claire have Cam, and begins her crush on Derrick Harrington. At the end of the third book, Cam and Claire become a couple.

In the fifth book, The Pretty Committee Strikes Back, Claire tries to get back with Cam after she shared a kiss with Josh Hotz at the Briarwood Academy soccer finals against Grayson Academy in the fourth book. When she fails to make him forgive her, she asks Massie for help. So Massie dresses up Claire as a boy and she sneaks out in the middle of the night to apologize about Josh, and Cam forgives her. When she finds him with Alicia almost kissing, however, she becomes mad at him. She eventually forgives him when he dresses like a girl and sneaks in to apologize to her about almost kissing Alicia, proving that he'll do anything to get her back. They kiss, and she and Alicia patch things up while Josh goes back to Alicia.

In Dial L for Loser, Claire goes to Hollywood to become the star of a new movie. When Massie sends Cam a picture message of Claire kissing her co-star for the last scene, he finds out that she had to kiss a teen star for her role, and he becomes jealous and breaks up with her again. But at the end, he forgives her and they french kiss like she had to do in the movie.

In It's Not Easy Being Mean, Claire doesn't spend a lot of time with Cam. She is so busy with her movie career and Massie's quest to find the key to a secret room that she hardly has any time to spend just relaxing for that matter. But they do not encounter any problems in this book.

In the eighth book, Sealed with a Diss, Claire finds out about a mysterious girl, Nikki, who instant messages Cam and thinks that he might be having a secret 2nd relationship. She definitely thinks that he is when they start using the hidden camera (located in their secret room) that gives the girls viewing to a secret class taken by the boys. Throughout the book she acts cold and distant because of this secret she can't reveal to him. At Skye Hamilton's graduation party, Claire tells Cam that she knows about Nikki and accuses him of two-timing her. Cam is so hurt and upset he breaks up with her and leaves the party without her. Later, Layne finds Nikki's MySpace page, and reads her latest blog. It states that she was in love with Cam, but he didn't want her because he was in love with Claire. Feeling guilty that she accused him of cheating on her with Nikki, she tries to call him to apologize, but Cam refuses to answer her calls or talk to her. They remain broken up throughout the rest of the book, and Claire participates in Massie's boyfast, which is easier said than done because the Briarwood boys will be going to school at OCD the following year.

In Bratfest at Tiffany's, Claire is depressed when she sees that Cam has moved on to another girl, Olivia Ryan (Alicia's ex-bestfriend). Claire is set up as a "stepmother" for Olivia and Cam when they have to do a baby assignment in health class. Claire decides that the only way to make Cam like her again is to get him jealous. She ends up flirting with Dempsey (during the boyfast) on TV, which makes Cam realize that he misses Claire. Later, Claire finds the deserted baby in the hallway, and comforts it. Cam approaches Claire and tells her he misses her. She realizes at that moment that if Cam was only asking for her back was because he was jealous, then she doesn't want him back unless he really and truly fells that way. She only wants to leave Massie and the New Pretty Committee if it is for real love. Determined to set an example for the 'baby' about being strong, Claire forces herself to walk away and not bother with the people that make her sad anymore. At the end of the book, Cam sends her a text telling her that he dumped Olivia. She does not say anything back. It is unknown if they will be together.

It is rumored that in the next book, P.S. I Loathe You, she helps Massie with her matchmaking "project". While Massie fails to get together LBRs Kyla and Robert, Claire makes Robert realize how much he likes Kyla. Massie takes the credit for this, but Claire decides it's better to "let it go."